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Re: Lego Loco Multi-Player Sessions
lugnet.admin.general, lugnet.general
Sat, 3 Apr 1999 03:47:26 GMT
95 times
Phil Whitehead wrote:

Thomas Main wrote in message <>...
There was a thread on r.t.l last week about hosting a multi-player
session of Lego Loco.  I would love to see this happen, but there are a
few obstacles to overcome.  Lego Loco requires that players joining

I was in a multi-player session two weeks ago with a guy in the Boston area
(I'm in North Carolina).  We were able to connect and send postcards to one
another. Very cool.

I'm arranging another session for this weekend, exact time TBD. Please let
me know if you're interested.

Definitely interested...but may not be able to participate this weekend
because of family get-togethers, etc.  Still, if you could post the
time/IP address...I think it would set a precedent and stir up more

Thomas Main

I'm still scratching my head over why it was put's too complicated
for kids to figure out the internet method... >

My wife says it's to give the crazy dads something to play with.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Lego Loco Multi-Player Sessions
Thomas Main wrote in message <>... (...) I was in a multi-player session two weeks ago with a guy in the Boston area (I'm in North Carolina). We were able to connect and send postcards to one another. Very cool. I'm (...) (26 years ago, 3-Apr-99, to lugnet.admin.general, lugnet.general)

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