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Halloween Lego Design Contest
lugnet.announce,, lugnet.general
Followup-To:, lugnet.general
Sat, 3 Apr 1999 03:21:16 GMT
83 times
Hello Everyone,

I don't know about all of you, but my favorite time of the year is Halloween
and my favorite pastime is building with my Lego collection.  This year,
Erik Wilson's Ancient Design Contest sparked an idea and soon Felix Greco,
Anne Sullivan and I had begun planning a Halloween Lego Design Contest to
bring together these two great childhood memories.  Now our planning and
preparation is complete and the Halloween Lego Design Contest site is
finished and ready start receiving Lego enthusiasts who are interested in
participating in the contest or just want to watch the activity.  If you
fall into either of those categories please go to :

The basic set up of the contest is simple.  Between now and October 15 you
build a model that falls into a Science Fiction, Fantasy or Horror category.
Then you take pictures, post them on your own web site and send email to the
judge of the particular category  the model belongs to.  Felix, Anne and I
will act as judges for these categories respectively and announce winners on
Halloween 1999.  Everyone who enters will get a special graphic to place on
their website, and the winners of the categories and sub-categories will
receive special winner graphics to place on their website as well.  In
addition, the winners will receive more tangible prizes to further celebrate
their achievement.  The physical prizes are special small gifts provided by
the judges and will remain secret until the conclusion of the contest.

That pretty much sums it up.  The full contest rules are on the contest site
and there is some further content to help get  you in the contest mood.
Please stop by and take a peek.

Matthew Verdier

"You can't just say you're King because some watery tart threw a sword at
Dennis, 700 AD

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Halloween Lego Design Contest
Star Wars fans: I just wanted to be sure you knew that Star Wars themed models are more than welcome in the Sci-Fi part of the contest. I hope you'll consider entering! Check it out at: (URL) (26 years ago, 4-Apr-99, to lugnet.starwars)

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