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Re: What themes are people complete in?
Thu, 8 Mar 2001 15:35:10 GMT
1040 times
In lugnet.general, Brendan Coughlin writes:
Hi everyone!

This has just crossed my mind right now.  I'm curious to see who is complete
in collecting Lego themes?  Meaning, who has every set in any of the
following categories:

1) Town
2) Castle
3) Pirates
4) Trains
5) Space
6) Technic

Those are basically the main themes.  Does anyone have every set to any of
these themes?

Just curious! :-)

I'm about 95% Castle-sets-I-want complete... Does that count? ;)
(meaning I've got one or more of just about every castle set I'm interested in)

(who has no tendencies in the completist direction *at all*)

Message is in Reply To:
  What themes are people complete in?
Hi everyone! This has just crossed my mind right now. I'm curious to see who is complete in collecting Lego themes? Meaning, who has every set in any of the following categories: 1) Town 2) Castle 3) Pirates 4) Trains 5) Space 6) Technic Those are (...) (24 years ago, 3-Mar-01, to lugnet.general)

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