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Re: What themes are people complete in?
Thu, 8 Mar 2001 05:46:31 GMT
761 times
In lugnet.general, Tamyra Teed writes:
Frank Filz wrote:

(I'm not sure if there's a Pirate keychain for example).


Yes there is, Sadly, I used mine on my keychain and it's a lot worse for
the wear.  It was a Cap't fig with pegleg and hook hand.


About 6 weeks ago the Virgina Lego outlet had the Capt. Red Beard keychain
and a Majisto the Wizard keychain. And when I was at the Georgia outlet
about 3 weeks ago, they had Majisto (but no Capt. Red Beards). Anyway, they
do phone orders, so you could try your luck and see if they still had any.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: What themes are people complete in?
Frank Filz wrote: <SNIP> (I'm not sure if there's a Pirate keychain for example). <SNIP> (...) Yes there is, Sadly, I used mine on my keychain and it's a lot worse for the wear. It was a Cap't fig with pegleg and hook hand. Tamy (24 years ago, 4-Mar-01, to lugnet.general)

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