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Re: Children are our role models - a profile of the LEGO Company, 2001
Mon, 29 Jan 2001 22:14:54 GMT
623 times
In, Suzanne D. Rich writes:
Taken from: [snip]

There appears to be no upper age limit for the popularity of LEGO
MINDSTORMS. Around half the owners of these sets are adults between the ages
of 25 and 45. [snip]

"Hoo-ahh!"   That's us.  :-)

The founder's grandson, Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen (his last name is spelled with
a K due to a mistake on his birth certificate), [snip]

Ah. I always wondered about that.


Message has 1 Reply:
  LEGO says adults 25-45 account for half of MindStorms sales!
(...) Whoa--whoa--wow!--half?!?!? Way excellent!!! --Todd (24 years ago, 30-Jan-01, to lugnet.general, lugnet.robotics)

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