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Re: What are the *REAL* Y2K sets?
Wed, 22 Dec 1999 21:02:59 GMT
891 times
Mr L F Braun wrote:

Y2K Automated Teller:  Comes with 12 minifigs, 40 1x2 green "$100" tiles, 80
gold coins of various denominations, a series of shock absorbers and technic
pieces, and and 12 little 4L antennalet pieces for "billy clubs."  When
triggered, the ATM spews "money", and your minifigs get to fight it out with
their sticks!  Live the excitement of social breakdown *today*!  OPTIONAL
WAL-MART BONUS PACK:  Includes a re-release of "Outback Racer" in green and
brown for the little survivalist in your family!

Sorry, I forgot the "variant."  US Version is non-firing.  :)


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: What are the *REAL* Y2K sets?
(...) Best-Lock, anyone? :) It's a military brick-system coup d'etat (imagine diacritical)! (...) This could improve sales of the LEGO Disassembly Tool That Cannot Be Named™, which, I will point out, has passed all Y2K compliance tests. (...) Y2K (...) (25 years ago, 21-Dec-99, to lugnet.general)

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