Re: A question about BrikWars robots
Wed, 16 Aug 2000 20:19:25 GMT
1324 times
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In, Gino A. Melone writes:
> That's cool. Just having the rules, and access to you for questions, is
> great. Thanks for the service to the community.
No problem, but I have to object. Giving everybody new and better ways to
avoid being productive isn't necessarily a service to the community.
> > If anyone has any ideas on how to make the RV supplement more
> > playable or easier to understand, I always appreciate suggestions at
> > One of these days I'll finish converting them into
> > HTML, I think it will help a lot when I can put graphics and diagrams in to
> > support the text.
> That will probably help.
I'm also going to try and put in some fancy Javascript calculators so you can
just type in desired stats and it will cost everything out automatically.
> Writing up what's below, made me think of another question. I've assumed
> that a robot limb has the same AV as the torso. Correct? Thanks.
Usually, yeah. Whenever we have robots with a lot of flimsy limbs (like our
Darktron spider and scorpion mechs a few months back), we drop the AV by one
or two d10 at the leg joints, but that's not an official standard or
anything, and we didn't bother changing the CP cost over it.
I've been thinking about including variable AV in the formula for calculating
Limb cost, but the formula seems complex enough already, so I'm not sure.
> I've been thinking about energy shielding. And I think I've worked out a
> proposal. This is based on the assumption that you are using the robot rules
> to spec your vehicle, but it could be retro'ed to standard vehicle rules by
> copying one chart from the robot rules.
Ha ha, this is great stuff, but I think I'll save energy shielding for when we
write the Spacefleet Battles supplement. I'm going to try and wait to add any
new sections to RV until we've got it more consistent and less confusing.
But, don't feel discouraged from using energy shields in your own battles,
these rules look pretty workable.
> The shield can be overloaded. If it takes more than n*AV damage in a
> single turn, it will fail. It then takes damage via the sub-system ker-pow
> table. I haven't decided what n should be. I'm thinking, 2-3. Or maybe
> scaled based on TL. TL - 3?
If you don't mind a little extra bookkeeping, maybe you could do it like this:
whenever n>1, the shield loses (n-1)*d10 from its AV, recovering 1d10 per turn
afterwards. "Captain! Shields down to 37 percent!"
> Shields would be TL5 or higher only. Additionally, an attacking weapon from
> a higher TL force ignores shielding. Their weapons are able to circumvent it.
Energy weapons might be able to circumvent the shields, but physical attacks
probably wouldn't. (If we ever get Spacefleet battles done, this will be
dependent on having a Science Officer on board).
I can't remember who I was talking with about shielding a few months ago, but
we were talking about making two additional types of shields: deflectors, for
physical projectiles and attacks, and energy shields, for energy-based
attacks, each of which would be cheaper and less Power-intensive than generic
shields which covered all types of attacks.
> Shields add 1 blox of weight to the vehicle.
You might want to make weight vary depending on the power of the shield and
the size of the protected area. If you wanted, you could cover your vehicle
with multiple generators protecting smaller areas rather than a single
generator protecting the whole vehicle.
> Shielding protects the entire vehicle and all weapons. Additionally it
> protects an area which extends 1" from the vehicle in all directions. So, a
> fig riding on the vehicle may be protected. Slow moving objects (things which
> won't do damage) ignore shields. So a fig can walk up and grab the vehicle.
> But if he tried to swing an axe at it, he'd face the shield.
He should be able to swing the axe if he's on the inside of the shield radius.
> Shields consume 1 power per 3 AV. That is consume. Since they are
> constantly generated, that power is not available to weapons or propuslsion.
> However, if the shields are off (intentionally or damaged) the power is
> available again.
That's a good idea, I think I'll change the Cloaking Device rules to do the
same thing.
You'd definitely have to make some decision about how and when the shields
could be activated, deactivated, or set to something in between - probably
only at the beginning of the unit's turn. Secondly, you might want to allow a
modification to the shields which let you concentrate shielding to one side -
allowing you to sacrifice aft shielding to give yourself double forward
shields, for instance.
- Mike Rayhawk.
Check out the Official BrikWars Home Page at
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: A question about BrikWars robots
| (...) Um, no comment. :-) (...) Neato! (...) Ok. Un-official supplement. (...) I was really trying to avoid bookkeeping. I was trying to follow the spirit of the combat system. You survive the attack or you die. I toyed with a hit point like system (...) (25 years ago, 17-Aug-00, to lugnet.gaming)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: A question about BrikWars robots
| (...) So, 24" for TL6 mechs. That sounds reasonable. (...) That sounds good. (...) Most of my mechs have legs which should be able to jump well. Especially the spider and scorpian designs. I'll think about this and let you know what I come up with. (...) (25 years ago, 16-Aug-00, to lugnet.gaming)
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