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Re: STUDfest XVII Honey I shrunk the Bricks! (or is it that time again already)
Newsgroups:, lugnet.gaming
Thu, 14 Nov 2002 06:35:43 GMT
1307 times
In, James Howse writes:

What else?
I thought this was fun, Mechaton
If people are interested I can gather everything together (dice, scenery,
some mecha) and we can play. Bring your own death-machine for even more fun!

These micro mechs are easy to build, (he gives hints) and the game is way
easy to learn and fun to play. I've played a few times since I asked about
it last week, and the more people you have playing at once, the more fun it is.

Actually having dice of the right colors (white red green blue), and lots
and lots of them to boot, really helps speed things up because you can leave
the dice on the sheet to show the numbers instead of having to write numbers
down etc.

Message is in Reply To:
  STUDfest XVII Honey I shrunk the Bricks! (or is it that time again already)
Provisional Details for the next fest. If someone doesn't like the date/location/theme/colour of my socks, speak up and we'll try to accomodate. But December is generally difficult. When? Either Sat 7 Dec. or Sun 8 Dec. whichever is the least (...) (22 years ago, 12-Nov-02, to

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