| | Re: Intro Sector Idea
(...) Hi John! I wish I could say otherwise, but no this group has not been very active over the past two years. Everyone involved (myself included) were slowly pulled away for "real life" during the year or two before that. I myself have been (...) (17 years ago, 27-Jan-08, to lugnet.gaming.starship, FTX)
| | Re: Intro Sector Idea
Very well. I think five days is adequate time to wait for replies before replying to my own post. Evidently, this group isn't currently active. With that in mind, I'd like to post a notification here, to all interested parties, advising that I am (...) (17 years ago, 27-Jan-08, to lugnet.gaming.starship, FTX)
| | Re: Intro Sector Idea
:::walks into the dusty, darkened thread, coughing several times as stale air fills his lungs::: Hi folks! Question from a very, very interested newbod - is this group still active? I think it's a fascinating, well-thought-out concept that caters (...) (17 years ago, 22-Jan-08, to lugnet.gaming.starship, FTX)
| | Re: space battle tactical game?
(...) Wizards of the Coast had a collectible card game called (URL) Rocketmen>, similar to their Pirates of the Spanish Main. I haven't tried it, but you can (URL) download the rules> and give it a shot. Marc Nelson Jr. (17 years ago, 15-Jan-08, to lugnet.gaming, FTX)
| | Re: space battle tactical game?
(...) Hi, I am designing a table top game for space battles right now, the working title is Brickfleet. You can design ships and make battles with it. And I am looking for people to test play it, and improve the game. Are you interested, at least I (...) (17 years ago, 14-Jan-08, to lugnet.gaming)
| | Re: general gaming Q: multiple dice vs. die+bonuses
(...) I'm not a numbers guy, so I can't really help with the mathematics, but from a purely physical point of view, I've always loved the idea of rolling more dice. It's fun to see an opponent's face when you starting picking up d6's, and they say (...) (17 years ago, 8-Jan-08, to lugnet.gaming, FTX)
| | Re: general gaming Q: multiple dice vs. die+bonuses
(...) Wow. I opened this thread expecting to defend the 1d6+A option, but Dave presents a convincing argument for the Ad6. Even with an opposing defense roll (with a defense value also 1-4), a ship with defense 1 would (with a 1-6 range) dodge once (...) (17 years ago, 6-Jan-08, to lugnet.gaming, FTX)
| | Re: space battle tactical game?
Hi Joe! (...) This sounds similar to Evil Stevie's Pirate Game (ESPG) which uses an 8-point compass plus rules about speed, turning, etc. based on ship size. While that is Age of Sail ships, I have thought of adapting it to a Space setting. (Well, (...) (17 years ago, 6-Jan-08, to lugnet.gaming, FTX)
| | Re: space battle tactical game?
(...) One Lego-specific thing I tried years ago when playing with the idea of microscale space combat, was to use one-stud-width plates to mark off the speed and direction of all the objects on the field. Plant one end of the plate on the object, (...) (17 years ago, 26-Dec-07, to lugnet.gaming)
| | Re: general gaming Q: multiple dice vs. die+bonuses
(...) Another difference is that there's a large variance in Ad6, and very little variance in 1d6+A. With A=4 (for instance) you get Ad6 resulting between 4 and 24, which is a huge range. With 1d6+A, you get between 5 and 10. For that reason, I'd (...) (17 years ago, 19-Dec-07, to lugnet.gaming, FTX)
| | general gaming Q: multiple dice vs. die+bonuses
I'm in the throes of designing a LEGO space battle game. I'm borrowing some ideas from Full Thrust, at Wayne's suggestion, but I'm probably going to monkey with the combat substantially. For example, I really like giving the defender a defense roll, (...) (17 years ago, 19-Dec-07, to lugnet.gaming, FTX)
| | Re: space battle tactical game?
(...) I have been playing Full Thrust for years, it is the only Starship combat game I play. I use the old Micro Machine Star Trek ships. I have over 500 of them. I also have a fleet each of the NAC and ESU. I hav'nt thought of using micro scale (...) (17 years ago, 18-Dec-07, to lugnet.gaming)
| | Re: space battle tactical game?
Hi Wayne, (...) That does sound like fun, though it'd be quite a lot of work to set up. (Fun work, of course, but still...) (...) Thanks, I hadn't seen that one before, and it does look good. I've only taken a quick perusal so far, but I like the (...) (17 years ago, 18-Dec-07, to lugnet.gaming)
| | Re: space battle tactical game?
Hi Joe, I've always wanted to try a Lego mircoship game. But my group is a little too BrikWar oriented to break away (frankly, I love to try something like Battlestations in Lego; where there's a miniature ship-to-ship combat part and then a (...) (17 years ago, 18-Dec-07, to lugnet.gaming)
| | Re: space battle tactical game?
(...) I should add that I've heard of Renegade Bricks (from Mike Rayhawk's page), but the link thereon is dead, and my google-fu has failed to turn up any substantial information on it. Best, - Joe (17 years ago, 18-Dec-07, to lugnet.gaming)
| | Re: BOW, A new brick wargame
This looks like a really neat system. The "description sheet" is very similar to a system I've used (though regrettably never got around to publishing) in a tactical dungeon game. One refinement you might consider would be to put the minifigs onto (...) (17 years ago, 18-Dec-07, to lugnet.gaming, FTX)
| | space battle tactical game?
My son is finally old enough to get into LEGO wargaming, so I asked him today whether he was interested in giant robots, knights & dragons, spacemen... and he says he's most interested in space ships. We talked about it a bit, and agreed that we (...) (17 years ago, 17-Dec-07, to lugnet.gaming)
| | Re: BOW, A new brick wargame
(...) Finally I made this page. You can find it on my (URL), menu "Related Stuff" > "Game System". For those who want to analyse the balance of this game mechanism in detail! :-) (17 years ago, 9-Nov-07, to lugnet.gaming, FTX)
| | Re: The steampunk skiff 'Egregious'
(...) I don't think anyone has done a detailed write-up yet, but I might be able to answer questions if you have any. I had the dubious honor of taking on the Egregious in battle with the (URL). For the game, we used the 2000(?) BrikWars rules, with (...) (18 years ago, 3-Jul-07, to lugnet.gaming.brikwars, FTX)
| | Re: The steampunk skiff 'Egregious'
(...) Wow! that's an impressive army. I've never seen so many pith helmets in one place. ...and thanks for bringing Space: 1889 to my attention. I love anything like that - Jules Verne, H.G. Wells, Flash Gordon, etc. (18 years ago, 2-Jul-07, to lugnet.gaming.brikwars, FTX)