Re: Intro Sector Idea
Sun, 27 Jan 2008 19:12:09 GMT
9445 times
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In lugnet.gaming.starship, John Maxwell wrote:
Very well. I think five days is adequate time to wait for replies before
replying to my own post.
Evidently, this group isnt currently active. With that in mind, Id like to
post a notification here, to all interested parties, advising that I am
exploring the possibility of starting a new Lego-based RPG based on Sector 62
and Starship. I encourage anyone who has an interest in joining me in this
endeavor to contact me, either here (I would prefer here, as this is readily
available and visible to the entire Lugnet community) or at the forums
currently being established for my faction, at
Hi John!
I wish I could say otherwise, but no this group has not been very active over
the past two years. Everyone involved (myself included) were slowly pulled away
for real life during the year or two before that. I myself have been
experiencing a Dim Age with the hobby, and though I would love to be involved,
I cannot yet promise the level of reliability I offered when Starhip was new.
That said, I do know a few Starshippers still lurk out there, and I have been
saving email addresses of one or two other players that have expressed interest
in joining if anything starts up again.
Also, both my front pages to the game and Richard Parsons ship registry are
still active websites. I spoke by email to Richard just over a year ago and he
said he was more than willing to keep his part of the site up - though I dont
know what level of commitment he can give to updating, changing, or maintaining
Currently, his site includes all the ships that were in the game two or three
years ago. If the game does go for a reboot, I wonder if that database should
be wiped and restarted, or if it should stay as-is and just be added to for new
players. (I like the latter idea, as it would give the impression that the
galaxy is well populated.)
Also, the Sector Registry and map (maintained on my site), most likely would
need updating, as only sectors with active members running as SMs should be
open to travel.
(Stick a j in front of my email address shown on Lugnet to contact me
Message has 1 Reply: | | Re: Intro Sector Idea
| (...) Still about. Happy to keep the data up to date. Old email address still works. I'd be happy to join in as a player, probably not as a sector mod. Might need a new ship though. Something with a couple of dropships and fighters, and a contingent (...) (17 years ago, 27-Jan-08, to lugnet.gaming.starship)
Message is in Reply To:
| | Re: Intro Sector Idea
| Very well. I think five days is adequate time to wait for replies before replying to my own post. Evidently, this group isn't currently active. With that in mind, I'd like to post a notification here, to all interested parties, advising that I am (...) (17 years ago, 27-Jan-08, to lugnet.gaming.starship, FTX)
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