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 Games / *334 (-10)
  pictures from Dec's meeting
Here's some pics from yesterday's meeting... Was a lot of fun! (URL) (4 years ago, 10-Dec-01, to,  
  Re: LEGO Racers 2
"Roy Wood" <> wrote in message (...) It must be sloppy programming. It doesn't seem to be XP -- I bought a rally game last week and that runs at a very respectable frame rate. In fact, I think (...) (23 years ago, 29-Nov-01, to,
  Re: LEGO Racers 2
(...) I'm waiting for Christmas, since my wife asked for a suggestion. I enjoyed the original immensely, so I'm looking forward to the new version. My machine is only a K6-2 @ 500 MHz, so your comments about sluggishness of play are disquieting. I (...) (23 years ago, 27-Nov-01, to,
  LEGO Racers 2
I bought this on a whim on Saturday... I have to say it is quite good fun. I am into PC racing games anyway, so that probably helps, but racing through familiar LEGO landscapes being able to build your car from scratch brings makes this one (...) (23 years ago, 18-Nov-01, to,
  Re: Free LEGO Games (Software)
(...) It appears to be the same content but it is served up from If you click "Get it Now" on that page, the shopping cart comes up with the 4-pack. -Rob. FUT .shopping (...) (23 years ago, 15-Nov-01, to,, lugnet.general)
  Re: Free LEGO Games (Software)
FYI, if the "Get it Now" link doesn't seem to work for you (just returns you to the same page), click "Get it Now", then click any of the other individual titles, which will take you to the shopping cart. Then remove the individual title. (...) -- | (...) (23 years ago, 15-Nov-01, to,, lugnet.general)
  Free LEGO Games (Software)
I received this today: (URL) (23 years ago, 15-Nov-01, to,, lugnet.general)
  Re: BrikWars Rules Question
(...) Hi Aaron, I'm cross-posting this to, which is where most Brikwars discussion takes place. I'll let Mike give the official ruling, but as a humble acolyte of the most holy of games: Hmmm, I'm thinking that your latter idea, (...) (23 years ago, 25-Oct-01, to, lugnet.gaming)
  Re: BrikWars Rules Question
(...) Hi Aaron, I'm cross-posting this to, which is where most Brikwars discussion takes place. I'll let Mike give the official ruling, but as a humble acolyte of the most holy of games: Hmmm, I'm thinking that your latter idea, (...) (23 years ago, 25-Oct-01, to
  BrikWars Rules Question
In the section on collisions, the rules state that a vehicles Mass is equal to 1/5th its Armor Value. Say your vehicle has an AV of 4d10. Do you divide the 4 or the 10 by 5, or do you roll 4d10 and then divide the result by 5? We are preparing a (...) (23 years ago, 25-Oct-01, to

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