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 Events / BrickFest / 221
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Re: MOC display space
Newsgroups:, lugnet.trains
Mon, 18 Jun 2001 21:04:59 GMT
1046 times
In, Jake McKee writes:
In, Stephen F. Roberts writes:
"Christina Hitchcock" <> wrote:
The train layout at BrickFest is unstructured. We do not have
anyone (that I am aware of) coordinating it at this time.  All train related
things are planned to occur on the third floor if not in the same room.  Some
people have sent track designs that they plan on incorporating into the larger
layout.  I recomend bringing track and whatever else you like.

...So lets get a coordinator for trains :-) Or at least warn people to bring
lots of track. If everyone brings a few straits, a point or two, and 4 curves,
I'm sure there would be plenty :-) Guess we should have some masking tape on
hand for people to mark track then...

I am cross posting this to .trains to see if anyone who is coming to
Brickfest may also have some experience setting up a train layout.

Jake I have setup a 24ft.X 24ft display for our last GATS show and am
designing(with Steve R.) our next one (20x30)which happens to be the week
after Brickfest.What kind of room size wise do we have and what are people
bringing? I was only planning on bringing my airport and all my monorail
that i had set up for our last show.   but i can bring
track(some 250 peices) and a over 20 pieces of rolling stock.

Jake McKee
LUGNET Member #211

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: MOC display space
(...) I am cross posting this to .trains to see if anyone who is coming to Brickfest may also have some experience setting up a train layout. Any takers? Jake --- Jake McKee AFOL LUGNET Member #211 (24 years ago, 18-Jun-01, to, lugnet.trains)

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