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 Events / BrickFest / 220
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Re: Music in the Castle room during Brickfest
Mon, 18 Jun 2001 20:56:25 GMT
20 times
In, Wilson Raska writes:
Um, well, I guess I'll be the odd man out here and suggest things that
aren't quite so, um, obvious(i.e. soundtracks, not that i won't enjoy a
little bit of that). I, personally, like to listen to strong, aggressive
stuff when I'm building. in fact, if I'm doing any kind of battle
(especially a melee) I love to listen to loud, thrashy stuff (static-x,
slipknot, nine inch nails, pennywise, etc).
I also listen to Tool for just about anything. Not necessarily thrashy,
but, IMO, the best band on the planet.

my 2¢ (HA!!!! it worked!!!)


Hey can I be the odd man out too?  I like listening to heavy stuff while I'm
building too (Metallica, Disturbed, System of a Down, and Tool is okay too).
I still love listening to soundtracks though and I think that would fit the
atmosphere better.  But I don't think Slipknot blasting out of the speakers
is such a bad idea either. :-)  I'll bring some of my collection and see
what you guys think.  Can't wait til' Brickfest!


I've always been partial to White Zombie and Lords of Acid..hehee :-)
but I don't think either fit with the CW mood, not to mention the University
Setting :-/


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Music in the Castle room during Brickfest
(...) I think any of Rob Zombie's records lend themselves to Fright Knights, so why not? (I also think his brother's band, Powerman 5000, works really well for space) Fritz (24 years ago, 19-Jun-01, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Music in the Castle room during Brickfest
(...) Hey can I be the odd man out too? I like listening to heavy stuff while I'm building too (Metallica, Disturbed, System of a Down, and Tool is okay too). I still love listening to soundtracks though and I think that would fit the atmosphere (...) (24 years ago, 18-Jun-01, to,

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