Re: *RESULTS-New Brickfest Initial Interest Survey-RESULTS*
Tue, 17 Jul 2001 15:45:09 GMT
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Matthew Gerber wrote in message ...
> > 2a) If only one event were developed to serve the entire West Coast, where
> > would you most like to see it held?
> >
> > 23 Carlsbad, CA (LEGOLAND™)
> > 22 Seattle, WA
> > 9 Other (Please specify below):
> > -Everytime LUGOLA discusses this idea, the options of Reno, Nevada and Salt
> > Lake City, Utah pop up. We'd love to include those that are west of the
> > Mississippi rather than just west coast.
> > -Las Vegas might interest non-AFOL spouses to come for the trip - just a
This to me says there is equal support for Carlsbad and Seattle (you have a
pretty small sample size there Matthew).
> > 7 Concurrent events
> > 40 Quarterly events
> >
> >
> > 7b) Would you actually be able to attend events in multiple locations over
> > the course of the year?
> >
> > 19 Yes
> > 31 No
> These are the numbers I watched the most closely during the survey. It seems
> to me that while most people are enamored of the IDEA of multiple, regional,
> quarterly events, they wouldn't actually ATTEND the events. I applaud folks
> for being honest about this. Why should anyone knock themselves out trying
> to put on an event every quarter, if no one will/can show up?
I don't see these numbers as meaning the same thing as you do. If people are
thinking of quarterly events as regional, then it makes perfect sense that
many people would attend their regional event and not others out of region
(which is what a lot of people in the thread have been saying) although some
people would enjoy travelling around to multiple events. It's my
understanding that this is the same pattern as attendance at Brickfest
itself - the majority of people were from the East Coast region, with a
strong showing of travellers from other areas (and internationally).
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