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 Duplo / *601 (-20)
  Re: Compatibility of Duplo Intelli-trains with older Duplo trains
Hi! I have one of the Duplo battery trains from when I worked as a model builder. We pulled out the old track and new track that my new daughter has when her cousins were over. Old train with new smart elements: Sometimes it stops the train, mostly (...) (22 years ago, 27-May-03, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.duplo)
  Re: Compatibility of Duplo Intelli-trains with older Duplo trains
(...) Yes, same track. But I think it is a different color, nothing major. (...) The way the sound elements interact with the train depends on which driver you have driving the train. The instructions tell you exactly what the differences are. Here (...) (22 years ago, 26-May-03, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.duplo)
  Re: Compatibility of Duplo Intelli-trains with older Duplo trains
(...) I believe they are 100% compatible. (...) Don't know, but I'm guessing they are used to make different sounds similar to the smart elements from MyBot. -Rob. (22 years ago, 26-May-03, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.duplo)
  Compatibility of Duplo Intelli-trains with older Duplo trains
I am looking at buying some of the new Intelli-trains for my nephe. To what extent are the new Intelli-trains compatible with the older Duplo trains? Can they use the same track? Can the new "smart elements" be placed on old track? Obviously I (...) (22 years ago, 26-May-03, to lugnet.trains, lugnet.duplo)  
  Re: Question about a Music Builder part.
Yes, it adds new songs. Hopefully there will be more than one song cartridge released. I just wish that the different instruments and sounds were available without having to buy another "player." George "Mark P" <> wrote in (...) (22 years ago, 15-Mar-03, to lugnet.duplo)
  Question about a Music Builder part.
Does anybody know what the "song cartridge" does? One can be found in the Music Extras 2 set (#3371). Does it make the sets play different music or something? Anybody have is that can comment on it? Mark P (URL) (22 years ago, 13-Mar-03, to lugnet.duplo)
  Re: My son's MOC: Duplo Spaceship!
(...) Yes it is :) I have a one year old that is just getting the idea of how to attach the Duplo bricks together and it is really cool to see him study and learn how to use them - and get excited when he gets a few bricks stacked up. (...) Well, (...) (22 years ago, 12-Mar-03, to lugnet.duplo,
  Re: My son's MOC: Duplo Spaceship!
That's just too cool. It's good to see that the hobby is transferring nicely from generation to generation. Lego good, better! So how does dad and kiddo play together? (asking as a soon to be dad) Ever get nervous with him handling your (...) (22 years ago, 10-Mar-03, to lugnet.duplo,
  Re: My son's MOC: Duplo Spaceship!
AWESOME!! Peace and Long Life, Tony Alexander (22 years ago, 8-Mar-03, to lugnet.duplo,
  look out, Admiral!!!
(...) (or maybe he's just found the perfect successor :-) -paul (22 years ago, 6-Mar-03, to lugnet.duplo,
  Re: My son's MOC: Duplo Spaceship!
(...) It looks great! It looks fast, for Duplo. Jeff J (22 years ago, 6-Mar-03, to lugnet.duplo,
  Re: My son's MOC: Duplo Spaceship!
(...) Yes, very powerful :) And Tommy says thank you! Mark (and Tommy) P. (URL) (22 years ago, 6-Mar-03, to lugnet.duplo,
  Re: My son's MOC: Duplo Spaceship!
(...) Oh ya! I have brainwashed him well ;) I have always been into classic space and that has rubbed off on him. Some of his greatest creations are space ships. He is well on the path to .space, and a good road it is. Mark P (URL) (22 years ago, 6-Mar-03, to lugnet.duplo,
  Re: My son's MOC: Duplo Spaceship!
(...) Oh ya, he has been building with the regular bricks for years now. He won a building contest when he was 6 and that was using regular bricks. So he was already a master by the age of 6 :) The Duplos are for my 2 youngest children. I have a 2 (...) (22 years ago, 6-Mar-03, to lugnet.duplo,
  Re: My son's MOC: Duplo Spaceship!
(...) Thanks! (...) It was in the 25th Anniversary Tub that was out a few years back. It is just like the regular 2x4 silver brick that was out in tubs at the same time. It is the sme material as the Star Wars ship that has all that chrome in the (...) (22 years ago, 6-Mar-03, to lugnet.duplo,
  Re: My son's MOC: Duplo Spaceship!
(...) He tells me it is the main laser gun, only to be used when they get in trouble. He says they only use it when they get in trouble because the 2 piolts in front do not like the laser shooting over their head that much. (...) And he says thank (...) (22 years ago, 6-Mar-03, to lugnet.duplo,
  Re: My son's MOC: Duplo Spaceship!
(...) Jeff (22 years ago, 6-Mar-03, to lugnet.duplo,
  Re: My son's MOC: Duplo Spaceship!
Looks like he's having fun! Are you gonna introduce him to the 'small bricks' anytime soon? :) -JHK (...) (22 years ago, 6-Mar-03, to lugnet.duplo,
  Re: My son's MOC: Duplo Spaceship!
Looks like he's having fun! Are you gonna introduce him to the 'small bricks' anytime soon? :) -JHK (...) (22 years ago, 6-Mar-03, to lugnet.duplo,
  Re: My son's MOC: Duplo Spaceship!
Great job! One question. Where did you get that chrome/silver brick? Is it made of metal? (22 years ago, 5-Mar-03, to lugnet.duplo,

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