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 Castle / Castle Organizations / Castle World / 1678
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Re: Update on new CW Site
Tue, 1 Oct 2002 22:49:09 GMT
2135 times
In, Brett Kingery writes:
If I wanted to recreate what exists at Geocities I'd have
to go page by page, or link by link, and download it page by page with all
of the images intact and then reorganize it slightly, etc, etc, etc.  See if
you can guess the odds of my actually doing that?

While I haven't tried such a program, may I suggest trying <a
href=>Net Vampire</a> (hope that works).
It is designed specifically to do that job for you.
Or <a href=>HTTrack Website Copier</a>

I've had good luck using IE to save pages for me, it saves the page and all
the embedded images in a subdirectory. OK for small sites but for a site
with hundreds of pages, probably a non starter.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Chris Lindsey to the Rescue! (was Re: Update on new CW Site)
Many thanks to the previous two posters for their helpful suggestions. But unix-genius-lugnut-bon vivant Chris Lindsey has mirrored the site using 'wget' ((URL) In mere minutes Chris was able to mirror the site and make a zipfile maintaining (...) (22 years ago, 2-Oct-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Update on new CW Site
(...) While I haven't tried such a program, may I suggest trying <a href=(URL)Net Vampire</a> (hope that works). It is designed specifically to do that job for you. Or <a href=(URL)HTTrack Website Copier</a> Hope that helps :) plucky (22 years ago, 1-Oct-02, to

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