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 Castle / Castle Organizations / Castle World / 1674
1673  |  1675
Re: Update on new CW Site
Tue, 1 Oct 2002 19:35:28 GMT
1981 times
Glad to hear Castle World is getting back on it's feet again.
As always, I'll be glad to help in any way I can. Also, is the new site to
be hosted on Geocities? I know from Anthony Sava's (and other's) past gripes
about Geocities with their bandwith regulations and stuff, so maybe a new
host would be a good idea?
If you need anything, just e-mail me at:
I'll be sending some of my characters and such once you get things up and
running, I can't wait! heheh


In, Richard Marchetti writes:
Hey Y'all:

Plagued by problems and laziness I have made no effort to build the new CW
web site as was once discussed here.  But that will change shortly, and
there will be a new CW site VERY soon.

The longer version is this:
NONE of the previous webmasters maintained an archived (or "backed up")
version of the CW site (brilliant!!!), and the current host doesn't allow
FTP access.  For those that don't know what that means, it means that I --
the current CW webmaster -- cannot download the whole of the existing site
in any easy way.  If I wanted to recreate what exists at Geocities I'd have
to go page by page, or link by link, and download it page by page with all
of the images intact and then reorganize it slightly, etc, etc, etc.  See if
you can guess the odds of my actually doing that? And why bother doing all
of that when I can just link to what has gone before with one big link from
the new main page?  I'll probably call it the "Castle World Archives"  No
one else archived it and I am not going to bother myself to do it either,
not when there is no FTP access that would make the job as easy as
transferring files on my own machine.

What I will be doing is starting a new page with almost all of the same type
of links as the original page had.  The new CW site will host mainly links
to existing material.  What I am expecting of those that wish to participate
is that each participant send me links to their characters, structures, etc.
But please wait for a more organized announcement as to how to handle that
information.  I am not ready for that stuff just yet.

Anyway, there it is...

-- Hop-Frog

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Update on new CW Site
(...) I appreciate the offer, but I think I have it covered. The only thing I could possibly have used would have been an archived copy of the existing CW site -- alas... (...) Nope, cuz they SUCK. We will be using the ALL WAYS excellent free (...) (22 years ago, 1-Oct-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Update on new CW Site
Hey Y'all: Plagued by problems and laziness I have made no effort to build the new CW web site as was once discussed here. But that will change shortly, and there will be a new CW site VERY soon. The longer version is this: NONE of the previous (...) (22 years ago, 1-Oct-02, to

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