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 Castle / Castle Organizations / Castle World / 1345
1344  |  1346
Re: IOM: Sorjin's Comic 1: An Experiment
Wed, 21 Nov 2001 17:02:47 GMT
1400 times
In, Brian Kasprzyk writes:
Great story line!  I agree with Shiri, that was a clever usage of the
Islanders head piece.  I have over 20 of those things taking up space
looking for a good use.  You just gave everyone a way to use 'em!

Thank you very much for the compliments.

However, I can't take credit for the Devil.  I just asked the story guides
what kind of creatures I might find in my area, and that's what they told me
I'd see.  And, uh... 20 Kahuka masks?  Yikes!

I have a character at the Isle of Mist, but, just haven't thought up clever
things to do on the island like some of the rest of you.  Part of the
problem is I only sent 1 person.  Little hard to do some of the stories
others have with several characters in a location...

If you want to encounter something in your area, just send mail to the usual
Castle World address and they'll let you know what lives there.  Then you
can post your story and introduce whatever it is to everyone else.

Tony Hafner

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: IOM: Sorjin's Comic 1: An Experiment
(...) Great story line! I agree with Shiri, that was a clever usage of the Islanders head piece. I have over 20 of those things taking up space looking for a good use. You just gave everyone a way to use 'em! I have a character at the Isle of Mist, (...) (23 years ago, 21-Nov-01, to

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