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Re: Custom torso question
Wed, 23 May 2001 16:07:24 GMT
636 times
In lugnet.castle, Eric Brouwer writes:

I've seen some of the BEAUTIFUL torso's some of you guys are creating.  I
would LOVE to try this on my own, but I have a few questions:

1) What program do you use?  Photo Shop?

I myself use Adobe Photoshop.  Other people use other programs, they all work
fine.  All you really need is a program that allows you to zoom in, cut, paste
and draw.  All of the torso designs that you've seen by me are totally hand
drawn, with the exception of the silver lion.

2) How did you create your template for the shape to keep it consistant?

That's more simple than you'd probably like to believe.  I will admit, I've
worked off the shoulders of others.  My tempates were made by simply deleting
someone elses torso and keeping the white (or otherwise) border.  The template
I used for my teardrop shield, however, was given to me by Kevin Hall.

3) Where do you get some of the art work?  Like the different european
lions, etc.?

I try to keep my work hand drawn, or lego authentic.  I've used scans and lego
torso sticker designs to add to my stickers.  Kevin Hall has both the lion and
the black falcon designs on his brickbay gallery, and I used that lion for my
shield.  Everything else I've drawn pixel by pixel.

4) Any other tips, guidelines, suggestions?


Yes.  Don't make a torso sticker, place a mark over it somewhere, and then
share it with everyone thinking that noone will take it from you.  If you're
gonna share sticker designs, share it so that anyone can take them.  If you
want to keep them for yourself, then make them yourself and then show them off
while they sit on one of your minifig's chest.


Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Custom torso question
(...) I have used Adobe Illustrator for most of my stuff, although if I am knocking off a pattern (Example: TLC's Guarded Inn Sign), I have used Photoshop for simple touch ups and improvements of the pattern. Although my Blacktron I clones are (...) (24 years ago, 23-May-01, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: Custom torso question
Awwwww....your just jealous ;) (URL)Yes. Don't make a torso sticker, place a mark over it somewhere, and then (...) (24 years ago, 24-May-01, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: Custom torso question
(...) know what they're doing to us junkies? Frank (24 years ago, 24-May-01, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Custom torso question
Ok, I've seen some of the BEAUTIFUL torso's some of you guys are creating. I would LOVE to try this on my own, but I have a few questions: 1) What program do you use? Photo Shop? 2) How did you create your template for the shape to keep it (...) (24 years ago, 23-May-01, to lugnet.castle)

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