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 Castle / 4003
4002  |  4004
Re: My latest monsterpiece...
Mon, 3 Apr 2000 21:28:16 GMT
2264 times
In lugnet.castle, James Brown writes:
Hey, thanks for the feedback, any and all is welcome. (hint hint)

Hey, no prob. I enjoyed seeing your castle!

The kitchen looks even better with the fires under the kettle and in the stove
flickering merrily, but I haven't been able to get a decent pic of it. :/

Sounds great! Too bad there's no pic.

And stories are forthcoming... I've already got another couple chapters in the
'History of the Blank Shields' (but not on-line yet), and I'm just waiting for
a couple free days to edit pictures to reasonable size and finish the html for
a "walkthrough" of the MHQ with captions and descriptions, including some of
the construction details and lessons I learned along the way...

Yay! Stories are da best :-) (IMO)

I do kinda wish my post hadn't gotten lost in the aftermath of Dan's stunning
Castle.  Are people just avoiding it because of the large pictures, or is my
castle really not worth commenting on?

I dunno. I have a quick connection so I didn't mind... but other people might.

(I'm also curious why someone would rate it a "0" - the big pics, maybe?)

Beats me! I thought it was great.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: My latest monsterpiece...
(...) Hey, thanks for the feedback, any and all is welcome. (hint hint) The kitchen looks even better with the fires under the kettle and in the stove flickering merrily, but I haven't been able to get a decent pic of it. :/ And stories are (...) (25 years ago, 3-Apr-00, to lugnet.castle)  

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