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Re: [CW] Mutual stories question and offer
Thu, 2 Mar 2000 03:25:43 GMT
1414 times
In lugnet.castle, Pawel Nazarewicz writes:

Hey, man, how'ya doin'? :)

Well, if two people make a mutual story or storyline, and submit it to CW,
both get the credit, right? So, both people get that ballad in their
repertoire (or whatever we called the collection of ballads), right? (Wait,
those are rethorical questions. Don't answer yet :)
So my line of reasoning leads me to think that such a ballad would be counted
more than once toward the realm-gaining count, in fact, one time for each
person. Is that so?

Yep.  BUT ... I think the "Realm Getting" will not be based soley on
ballads.  I think it's going to be based on need

I think that's good and reasonable, in fact I suggested that long ago (too
lazy to search) because of the same point you mentioned - not everyone likes
storytelling (tho' I do!).

as well as a committee of
which will decide which Realms go where and when.  I think this will be the
best solution, because while some people might be great storytellers,
others simply like to build.  No need to limit the ones that simply build.
A committee will bring balance to CW.

Hmm... a committee sounds interesting. Who'll be in it? Whoever wants to, or

Now my offer. I have some fairly clear ideas about my first two 'chapters',
and then about a few later ones. However, between the first two and the
others, I want to develop my characters much more. What I mean is, I have
developed characters in my head that I want to convey in a few chapters, but
without enough chapters to do it - the second batch of chapter(s) has to come
after my characters are mostly developed and known well to the public (of
minifigs as well as readers of CW :).

I'm still thinking about what you getting at;)

Yeah, it took me a long time to get to the point, sorry ;)
I quote the major point:

"if you're interested in having a mutual storyline, LMK."

Should've made this clearer. I want to conduct a mutual storyline with someone
who is currently wants to or might be interested in cooperating. (Ugh, I
thought my english is getting better... I'm too tired for this. Need sleep...
Sleep... <ZZzzz...>
<nod> Huh? Where was I? Oh... a point.)

So if you want to combine forces and create a mutual ballad, I'm all in for
it. In fact, I'll be more than happy to combine forces with someone right now.
(This doesn't have to be a cooperation STORY. You can attack me for all I
care, as long as we both agree on it beforehand.)

So, LMK if you're interested.

I am doing some testing on this right now with Jason Catena, and as soon as
we know how it turned out (so far so good) I will publish a little article
on lugnet.castle about it.  Expect a lot of pictures and award-winning
commentary about it;)


Dave Eaton and I talked about the future of CW and maybe giving each person
a message board on their member page that could be used to keep
everyone updated on what's going on.  We'll do a lot more on that later on
though ...


There is a small update to CW today for those of you that got tired of
checking for them;)

Hmm, can you give the URL for CW again? It gets lost in all the sea of posts
about CW...


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: [CW] Mutual stories question and offer
(...) Great? ... ;) (...) Heck ya ... Iike a good mix of this and that. I think that most things are correlated. The more you build, the easier it is to tell stories about it. The more stories you tell, the more inspired you are to build. "It's a (...) (25 years ago, 2-Mar-00, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: [CW] Mutual stories question and offer
Yo! (...) Yep. BUT ... I think the "Realm Getting" will not be based soley on ballads. I think it's going to be based on need as well as a committee of individuals which will decide which Realms go where and when. I think this will be the best (...) (25 years ago, 2-Mar-00, to lugnet.castle)

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