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Re: New Castle site
Mon, 25 Oct 1999 16:09:40 GMT
562 times
In lugnet.castle, Pawel Nazarewicz writes:

I've tried to do a few things (like have an Inn, a blacksmith, a butcher, a
barrel maker, and a Catherdral) differently this time (instead of focusing on
the Keep itself.  Anyhow, all suggestions, comments, flames, etc are welcome!

-- pn

I'll say it again... wow.
I thought my own ambitions of building a castle scene for my 103 Fantasy
figures were big, but I hadn't realised some people had already blown my ideas
out of the water - impressive, most impressive.
Some ideas/suggestions:
- I like your idea of Aces, and noticed a few non-Castle pieces in their
design... but maybe a few more non-Castle *torsos* would make your Aces more
unique. I use many Star Wars, Pirate, Ninja, and other genres to mark my unique
characters, for my own storylines (which is why I call them Fantasy figures) -
my Forestmen leader has a Pirate top, white shirt with green vest, for example;
my Mage has a Ninja top, blue shirt with black vest and gold laces; Darth Maul
became a witch; and enough Magnetron torsoes can be kitted out with Castle
weapons and helmets to become an elite guard to a character whose name begins
with M (Morrack, in my own realm)!
- Any kind of modularity within your castle? The best castle I ever built was
completely enclosed, so you couldn't really see the interior detail - and I'm
betting that the insides of your buildings (especially the Cathedral, Inn, and
Barracks) are as detailed as the exteriors. Not that I'm telling you to start
all over again! But if you could rip a roof off here and there, take a snap,
and then replace it, that would be much appreciated...
- The peasant outside the castle certainly does give an idea of scale, but for
the record, can you tell us how many studs the castle is in area?
Keep up the good work, I'm on tenterhooks to see the gory details of the

Stu C.
University of Glasgow

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: New Castle site
(...) You are right ... I will take some pictures of my "unique" figures and do a little table/writeup about them. Designing those guys alone is almost as fun as building structures (if not more fun for myself - I like to get lost in my little lego (...) (25 years ago, 26-Oct-99, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  New Castle site
I've finally got some time to put a little bit of my castle together (Strombrachter). Check it out and let me know what you think (warning - quite a few pictures). (URL) tried to do a few things (like have an Inn, a blacksmith, a butcher, a barrel (...) (25 years ago, 25-Oct-99, to lugnet.castle)

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