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 Castle / 21715 (-20)
  Re: Gronlif’s Magic Forest
(...) Do not forget the great lighting, it gives great picture! (17 years ago, 23-Aug-08, to lugnet.castle, FTX)
  Re: Gronlif’s Magic Forest
(...) Wow. There's so much to see here. I've been away for a while, and I was just beginning to wonder if there was still life in Castle. It's nice to see something to strive towards... I love the house (lots of small plates in there, looks very (...) (17 years ago, 20-Aug-08, to lugnet.castle, FTX)
  Re: Gronlif’s Magic Forest
(...) I often wonder, if I were a minifig, where I'd want to live. I think I just discovered the perfect place. Absolutely lovely!! JohnG, GMLTC (17 years ago, 20-Aug-08, to lugnet.castle, FTX)
  Re: Gronlif’s Magic Forest
(...) Wonderful MOC! I want one :-) Lot's of trees, lots of detail - one could spend quite a long time finding all the 'little things' you've added to make this so great. But I must confess I thought the barrow(?) was some prehistoric animal, or an (...) (17 years ago, 20-Aug-08, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: Gronlif’s Magic Forest
(...) LUGNET for 10 years). Bravo! Those mushrooms are a stroke of genius! -Chris Gray (17 years ago, 20-Aug-08, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: Gronlif’s Magic Forest
(...) Beautiful work Jojo! That's some serious treeage. The balanced bolders are nice touch. And I love the deer! (I may have to copy those at some point.) -Hendo (17 years ago, 19-Aug-08, to lugnet.castle, FTX)
  Gronlif’s Magic Forest
Hello! Gronlif is the green wizard in the order. So he dwells deep in the forest – no surprise. (URL) = Link>> This MOC features various trees, a magic tree called Knarz amongst them, Gronlif’s hut, a stable for his crock Crock (That’s his horse’s (...) (17 years ago, 19-Aug-08, to lugnet.announce.moc,, lugnet.castle, FTX)  
  Gronlif’s Magic Forest
Hello! Gronlif is the green wizard in the order. So he dwells deep in the forest – no surprise. (URL) = Link>> This MOC features various trees, a magic tree called Knarz amongst them, Gronlif’s hut, a stable for his crock Crock (That’s his horse’s (...) (17 years ago, 19-Aug-08, to lugnet.announce.moc,, lugnet.castle, FTX) !! 
  Re: Is Classic-Castle on the fritz?
(...) The emails bounced because a year or more ago, Classic-Castle died, the server crashed and deleted all the setup files. We had backed up our files, but we lost several weeks of forum posts, and all the email addresses needed to be set up (...) (17 years ago, 10-Aug-08, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: Stonehenge and Chichen Itza
What are these spare parts you speak of? Aren't all parts of equal value? (17 years ago, 10-Aug-08, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.general,,, FTX)
  Need help contacting Classic-Castle!
(...) Hey Bryan, If you happen to be a member of Classic-Castle, could you post a HELP message for me? I haven't received any e-mails from anyone at the website. I can't register a new account because I'd registered before but my account is now (...) (17 years ago, 10-Aug-08, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: Is Classic-Castle on the fritz?
(...) Hey Bryan, Took me a bit to figure out where the forums were as there are several link list on the main page. I found the forums by my account is inactive, so hopefully I'll hear back from them soon! Dave S. (17 years ago, 8-Aug-08, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: Is Classic-Castle on the fritz?
(...) Assuming you're already a member there, why don't you go post directly at Classic-Castle? That site is fully up and running. -Bryan (17 years ago, 8-Aug-08, to lugnet.castle)
  Is Classic-Castle on the fritz?
I just tried to e-mail Anthony, Troy and Ben, on each occasion being mindful to remove the "NOSPAM." All three e-mails bounced! Is Classic-Castle on vacation for the summer or something? I just wanted to e-mail someone about sharing my Black Falcons (...) (17 years ago, 8-Aug-08, to lugnet.castle)
  Re: MOC: Black Falcon's Outpost
(...) Hey Bryan, Thanks for the tip! I fixed it! Dave S. (17 years ago, 8-Aug-08, to lugnet.castle, FTX)
  Re: MOC: Black Falcon's Outpost **link fixed!!**
Morning, mate! If you'll oblige us, pop on over to the Black Falcon Outpost and have a pint! (URL) Many thanks to Bryan for hipping me to my textual error! Enjoy! Dave S. (17 years ago, 8-Aug-08, to lugnet.castle, FTX)
  Re: MOC: Black Falcon's Outpost
(...) Easiest way is to change the name of your web page so that it doesn't use spaces, apostrophes, or other punctuation marks. :) It appears that your picture links to: (URL) it should actually link to: (URL) work, btw. Taking the time to document (...) (17 years ago, 7-Aug-08, to lugnet.castle, FTX)
  Re: MOC: Black Falcon's Outpost
(...) I think I found it. The comma in Falcon's is doing something weird. How do I fix that? Dave S. (17 years ago, 7-Aug-08, to lugnet.castle, FTX)
  MOC: Black Falcon's Outpost
Morning, mate! If you'll oblige us, pop on over to the Black Falcon Outpost and have a pint! (URL) I hope you can enjoy it, as I've checked my website several times against this post but the link isn't working. I posted on Space last night with no (...) (17 years ago, 7-Aug-08, to lugnet.castle, FTX)
  Newest Buildings
Here is my latest round of buildings. Some of them were built specifically for the NMRA 2008 show. 7-Eleven (no interior yet) (URL) Books (URL) Boutique (URL) Packing House (URL) 1 (URL) (no interior yet) (URL) Stuff: bread & cheese vendor, turkey (...) (17 years ago, 30-Jul-08, to lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.trains,, lugnet.castle,

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