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 Castle / 12800
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Re: Medieval life
Sat, 6 Apr 2002 02:44:04 GMT
531 times
In lugnet.castle, Johannes Koehler writes:

Gero of Falckenstein expects the visit of his niece Kriemhild whose guardian
he was. Kriemhild is accompanied by her brother Ruediger and of course by an

It's just a little series, not really a story (to appease those who don't
like stories here...). Nothing spectacular.


     Very Nice! Of course I assume there is a story... Oh well. Great stuff
especiall like the carridge and the gatehouse.

         God Bless,


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Medieval life
Hello! (...) Thanks for your comment! No, there is really not a complete story in this case. There are just some characters who were remaining from my International-System...est-story. Bye Jojo (23 years ago, 6-Apr-02, to lugnet.castle)

Message is in Reply To:
  Medieval life
Hello! Gero of Falckenstein expects the visit of his niece Kriemhild whose guardian he was. Kriemhild is accompanied by her brother Ruediger and of course by an escort. (URL) just a little series, not really a story (to appease those who don't like (...) (23 years ago, 5-Apr-02, to lugnet.castle) ! 

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