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 Castle / 12455
12454  |  12456
Re: Enter the Red Dragon
Thu, 28 Feb 2002 23:06:22 GMT
630 times
In lugnet.castle, Anthony Sava writes:
My friends, the next chapter of the Chronicles of Ikros is online.  You could
argue that this is the best set of picture editing I've ever done, but you'll
just have to judge for yourself, won't ya?  So I am proud to give you...

Chapter 25 of the Chronicles of Ikros

Storm on the Horizon



Great work Anthony..... love it... you're photoshop skills are very good....
:  ) The story is brilliant as usual...!!

Looking forward to the next chapter...!!

Kev...:  )

Message is in Reply To:
  Enter the Red Dragon
My friends, the next chapter of the Chronicles of Ikros is online. You could argue that this is the best set of picture editing I've ever done, but you'll just have to judge for yourself, won't ya? So I am proud to give you... Chapter 25 of the (...) (23 years ago, 25-Feb-02, to lugnet.castle,  

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