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 CAD / Ray-Tracing / 1877
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Re: Can anyone help by suggesting some lighting tips?
Sun, 13 Jul 2003 03:34:38 GMT
2305 times
In lugnet.cad.ray, Allan Bedford wrote:
So.... is there a way to create an invisible floor?  One that you don't • see (as
in it's the same white color as the background) but will allow you to • project a
shadow of the vehicle?

Make a white floor and use the translate commands to move your model away
from the seam where the floor and background meet.

But wait... your renders (which I am trying hard to copy the style of) • don't use
a floor either, is that right?  :)

Nope.  A bare floor doesn't do much for me, so I leave it out.

Tried removing the slashes, but it came back with one of those 'expecting • you to
be smarter' error messages.  So I put the slashes back in and it stopped
complaining.  :)

1)  The 'sun' effect is very evident.  However, it's so strong coming in • from
the top right, that it casts a nasty shadow over the front of the cab, • plunging
it into darkness.  I've tried numerous times to add a low powered light, • coming
in from the left, parallel with truck, but I can't seem to correct this

3)  The white of the ladder still looks bleached out to me.  You should be • able
to see the inner sections of the ladder (two plates high, of pieces) • through the
lattice pieces.  In some versions, I've been able to brighten them, but at • the
expense of scorching the white ladder even worse.  In some versions, I've • had it
so bad that the back end of the ladder simply blends into the white

Mmmm...send me your code and I'll have a look at these two problems.

2)  What's with the jagged lines running between the bricks?  Sometimes I • get
them (such as here) and sometimes I don't, which makes things look much • more
realistic.  Problem is, I can't seem to figure out what does or does not • cause

Try using the highest resolution w/ anti-aliasing setting when you render
the model.  After the picture is done, use a image editor to resize the
picture down to a more managable size.


P.S. - Nice stick (ladder truck).  I am curious though...did you mean to put
the wheels on backwards?  Another thing, you might try using either a 2x4 or
a pair of 2x2 clear bricks for the windshield, unless you're trying to make
the model possible in real life.

Bricksburg Fire Department:
GoB Bricksburg Depot:

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Can anyone help by suggesting some lighting tips?
(...) I think I'm going to go with that approach as well. I'll try a floor sometime, but once again after the lighting problems are solved. (...) Will do. Thanks! (...) Makes sense. I'll try that. (...) Thanks. :) (...) Of course I did. NOT! Man, (...) (22 years ago, 13-Jul-03, to lugnet.cad.ray)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Can anyone help by suggesting some lighting tips?
(...) So.... is there a way to create an invisible floor? One that you don't see (as in it's the same white color as the background) but will allow you to project a shadow of the vehicle? But wait... your renders (which I am trying hard to copy the (...) (22 years ago, 13-Jul-03, to lugnet.cad.ray)

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