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 CAD / Ray-Tracing / 1852
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Re: Can anyone help by suggesting some lighting tips?
Mon, 30 Jun 2003 20:34:29 GMT
2258 times
Allan Bedford wrote:

As you will probably see, I was really just shooting in the dark
(pardon the pun) when it came to using the lights.  I would welcome
any thoughts and/or suggestions.  I've tried searching the POV-Ray
site, but couldn't find something as simple as, "here's how to
position a single sample light, to give you a simple sample render."

(I don't know how much of this you can affect from LPub)

One way is to add a 'light.dat' to your model at a position you want the
light to come from. Not to close though...

I usually put the lights far, far away from the model, to get more of the
surroundings lighted (more like sunshine).

In a pov file with the default lights generated by L3P I locate the
'light_source' at the end of the file, and multiply all values by 10 (throw
the decimals at the same time, they're unnecessary).

I also usually set all lights, execept one, as 'shadowless', to get away
from the 'three spot lights' look. Quick rendering at a small size, 'QUAL=0'
is used to decide which light should cast a shadow.

Also, it is often good to add an extra (shadowless) light at exactly the
same point as the camera, as this will make sure everything you see is
lighted one way or another - this brings out the details when you look
_into_ the model from the camera. You may have to give this light a lower

light_source {
color rgb 0.4 * <1,1,1>

Remember: if you add many lights, lower their intensity, so that the total
light is between 1 and 3 (or thereabout...)

(Still talking about L3P generated files)

I also almost always move the camera away tenfold (or more) from the model,
and change the 'angle' parameter to still have a reasonable size of the
model. This gives a more realistic perspective (IMO).

In my Brickshelf gallery you can see some renderings I made long before the
'radiosity craze' (sorry, I don't have the URL, and am not online while
writing, so I can't give you any link. Search for 'sinking ships' or my

Some renderings can also be found in the BlockCAD Gallery, see sig.

Anders Isaksson, Sweden

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Can anyone help by suggesting some lighting tips?
(...) I'm quite happy/comfortable editing the .pov file directly... it's just the values and directions I'm still trying to get a grip on. (...) Is this different than some of the .inc files that others have already suggested using? And if so, can (...) (22 years ago, 1-Jul-03, to lugnet.cad.ray)
  Re: Can anyone help by suggesting some lighting tips?
(...) First off... let me say again, a big thank you to everyone who has contributed to this thread. Due to input from each of you I feel as though I've been able to make good progress in the direction of the types of renders I hope to achieve for (...) (22 years ago, 1-Jul-03, to lugnet.cad.ray)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Can anyone help by suggesting some lighting tips?
(...) Hi Jeroen, (...) In fact, I dropped down to using radio_1. I'm not interested in 100% realistic pics, but I knew that what I was producing could look better. Thanks for the advice though. :) (...) light. Is there some magical way in which you (...) (22 years ago, 27-Jun-03, to lugnet.cad.ray)

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