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 CAD / Ray-Tracing / 1822
1821  |  1823
Re: UPDATE Re: vose inspection car render
Tue, 10 Jun 2003 19:35:40 GMT
1352 times
In lugnet.cad.ray, Travis Kunce wrote:
let me know what you think that I could do to make it more photorealistic...
I'd like to get this to the point where people say is that cad or real... no
kidding.  Please!

Yes, it's me again,

There are some good tips in the "Digital lighting & rendering" book by Jeremy

You should use at least 2 lights:
a key light [KL] (your main light) and
a fill light [FL] (to fill the shadows created by the KL)

You want some shadows else everything will look flat so your FL should be dimmer
than the KL.

Place the KL left or right and somewhat above the camera pointing at the subject
and the FL on the opposite side of the camera and at (almost) the same height as
the camera.

Use "dirty" light: not white ( rgb <1,1,1) in POV-Ray ) or dimmer versions but
more random numbers: rgb <0.9987354,0.9873674,0.9934533>. Normal light (even
daylight) isn't perfect white; coloured lights (like traffic lights or
spotlights in a theather) are not perfect red, pink or blue. Add some randomness
to your lights.

Try some experimenting with your FL: rgb <0.5687354,0.5573674,0.9934533> gives
some blueish tint to the FL (and thus the shadows)
Or use complimentary colours: if your object is mainly green, shine a slightly
pink/magenta light on it.

You can also add more lights but vary them in colour, intensity and height.
In your case Travis, you could also a (quite dim) light inside the car so you
have some detail there too.

Try to use a spotlights for your KL. It's a bit fiddly so experiment there.

Also Travis, you should dim the lights overal (but add some extra) to make the
highlights somewhat softer.

Hope see some new renders soon!


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: UPDATE Re: vose inspection car render
well i'm still at it. and i'm please to say that I think that things are getting better and better. Still not photo realistic, but I think that certian parts (ei... the inverse wedges on the roof) will never render correctly until the part is more (...) (22 years ago, 10-Jun-03, to lugnet.cad.ray, lugnet.cad.mlcad, lugnet.trains)

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