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Re: MLCad Suggestions
Tue, 22 Feb 2000 07:06:26 GMT
2135 times
Michael Lachmann <> wrote:

- Add an option to display only the last "N" parts (or steps) in the model,

This is generally possible, but keep in mind that this might be a slower thing.

You must be doing some interesting optimizations for the drawing?  It
doesn't seem any harder to render the last N parts than the first N?

- When switching between construction and instruction step mode, make the
model part list stay in the same place!

Should be possible will try to make it ....

I also noticed that when you delete a part, MLCad jumps back to the start
of the list.  It would be nice to make stay as close as possible to the
current position - maybe the piece before or after the deleted part (or, first
deleted part).

I'm planning a change in the selections in version 1.9, where it will be
possible to have unlimited selections, this will be the time for enhancements,
could you explain the "inside" and "crossing" a little bit more?

For both, the user draws a rectangle in one of the drawing windows.  An
"inside" selection selects all the parts that are entirely inside the
selection rectangle.  A "crossing" selection selects all the parts that
are at least partially inside the selection rectangle.

- A wish that applies to the LCAD community in general: make a DAT->PostScript
converter so that really high-quality printed output is possible.

Uuups, that one is hard, you force me to look at postscript :-(

Yes, I agree that it would be difficult.  I meant this to be directed to
not only MLCad - a standalone DAT -> PostScript converter would be great,
and of use to the whole LCAD user base.  Sorry to be off-topic!

The thing with OpenGL is that: I tried a version of MLCad using this, but for
the following reason it's not possible to use it ..
- It's not faster than my drawing routines unless it can't use the hidden
surface tests, which is wy we introduce BFC's.

I'm afraid I don't know what BFCs are.

- It can't be used for editing since MLCad stores references to the parts in
the drawings for fastest selection, which is not possible with Microsofts
OpenGL (no private planes).

OpenGL has an attribute called "name" which is part of the drawing state,
just like colors etc.  So, before you draw the geometry of each part, you
set the name to an identification (id) number: glLoadName(objectId).  When
the geometry for that part is selected, it returns the id number, which you
can use to look up the specific part.

I understand the wish of the users for going to Linux and Macs but MLCad
currently is totaly based on MFC which makes it hard to run it on other
operating systems.

Yep. :(

But I have something in mind, to try programming it with Java ... and than ...
no limits regarding operating systems ...

That would be awesome!

(sneak into? Basic support for dat primitives: Lines, Triangles, Quads ...
Full support for BFC :-), many bug-fixes, free rotations of RotationSteps and
3D View using the mouse only ... ;-)

Thanks for the preview, and for the detailed response to my post.

Barb & Steve Demlow  |  |

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: MLCad Suggestions
(...) BFC is for Back Face Culling. There's been some attempt to define an extension to LDraw, allowing the parts library to include information needed for BFC. There's a semi-formed proposal at (URL). Looking at the revision date, it's exhibiting a (...) (25 years ago, 22-Feb-00, to lugnet.cad.mlcad)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: MLCad Suggestions
Please find below my comments .... (...) This should not be a problem, will try to make it ... (...) This is generally possible, but keep in mind that this might be a slower thing. (...) I will try something to make it better, and which works into (...) (25 years ago, 21-Feb-00, to lugnet.cad.mlcad)

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