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 CAD / Development / Organizations / LDraw / 2183
2182  |  2184
Re: Callin' all numbers
Newsgroups:,, lugnet.cad
Mon, 21 Oct 2002 15:36:06 GMT
76 times
In, Willy Tschager writes:
<who all works on this>

In the interests of making this info more useful I included info on my
generic usage of the CAD tools too. I got into authoring because I needed a
patterned part "yesterday" and wanted to try my hand at it so I would be a
better reviewer (which I got into because there aren't enough reviewers yet,
I don't feel).

2 - Larry Pieniazek(ldraw-nick: lar (what else WOULD it be, I mean, really!) )
* author since August 2002, reviewer since March 2002, user since 1998 I think
* parts made so far: 4 (all patterned parts, can't hack actual geometry, not
that good)

* programs used for authoring/checking parts:
Quad2Dat (primary authoring tool)
LDAO/L3Lab/L3P (checking and BFC certify editing)
MLCad (checking only, not really suitable for parts authoring)
Notepad (emergency fixes of all sorts, edit parts headers, etc)
MS Excel (calculate intermediate points on that long sloping torso edge)

* programs used for modeling/instruction creation/cover art creation
MLCad (primary design capture tool)
Notepad (emergency fixes of all sorts, edit .bat files and etc.)
Proprietary collection of .bat files that automate the rendering process
LDLite (primary isometric renderer for instructions)
L3Lab (dat-pov conversion)
POVRay (primary raytrace renderer)
Paint Shop Plus (image resize/crop/convert for cover art)
Image Magick (image resize/crop/convert for instructions art)
MS Word (primary instruction authoring/composition tool and cover art composer)
Proprietary MS Word Basic code (automate the image insertion process into
word docs)
Proprietary MS Excel spreadsheets (process parts lists from MLCad for
element analysis)
Mercator Maps (reorder elements along an arbitrary axis to better divide
into steps)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Callin' all numbers
(Hope I got this thing right...) 3 - Tore Eriksson(nicks: SimLego, TE) * author since way back when. At least 1997, probably 1996. * parts made so far: 200+ * programs used for authoring parts: LDS (I never make a part without using LDS) LDSShell (...) (22 years ago, 21-Oct-02, to,, lugnet.cad)

Message is in Reply To:
  Callin' all numbers
hi everybody, I just flicked through the history of ldraw (URL) wondering how many people work on this project, but sadly I got no answer. well, the easiest way to get some figures would be to ask some of the admins, but I also would like to know (...) (22 years ago, 21-Oct-02, to,, lugnet.cad)

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