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 CAD / Development / Organizations / LDraw / 1531
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Re: Parts Tracker - Using L3P-check to scan submitted files
Thu, 18 Oct 2001 05:44:27 GMT
579 times
In, Steve Bliss writes:
Hey y'all-

I'm just sort of starting to get to adding L3P-check'ing to the Parts
Tracker submit function.  I took a look at the documented messages, and
tried to sort them out according to whether or not any particular error was
cause to reject a submitted file.  I've listed my results below.

What do you all think about this?  Is this list alright?


L3P -check Messages
(the number on the front of the line is the warning level required to check
for the specific condition)

Errors that should be rejected:

0 Bad line                                 Line does not begin with a number
0 Unknown line type                        Linetype not 0..5
0 %d arguments expected                    Wrong number of numbers for linetype
0 Bad color                                Bad syntax of color in line
0 Unknown color, using 7                   Color not in valid range
1 Identical vertices                       Two or more vertices are identical
1 Collinear vertices (%g)                  Vertices lie on a line (linetype 3)
1 Collinear vertices 012 (%g)              Vertices lie on a line (linetype 4)
1 Collinear vertices 013 (%g)              Vertices lie on a line (linetype 4)
1 Collinear vertices 023 (%g)              Vertices lie on a line (linetype 4)
1 Collinear vertices 123 (%g)              Vertices lie on a line (linetype 4)

Looks good.

Not appropriate for part files (also cause rejection):

0 Sorry, cannot handle color %d, using 15  Color 16 or 24 specified for
0 Unknown color, using 15                  Color of light not in valid range
0 Illegal syntax                           of TRANSLATE/ROTATE/SCALE/TRANSFORM
0 Zero vector                              in ROTATE meta command
0 %s END expected                          of TRANSLATE/ROTATE/SCALE/TRANSFORM
0 END not expected                         of TRANSLATE/ROTATE/SCALE/TRANSFORM
0 FILE %s already read                     MPD subfile has same name as
                                          another file
0 LDraw command(s) preceded this line      Valid commands before first 0 FILE

I have used the phrase "0 end of subpart", "0 end of file", etc in some of
the parts I have made. Will these get rejected? I usually always try to keep
them lowercase.

Errors, but should they cause rejection?:

2 Vertices not coplanar (%g)               Only if -det/-dist option
I'm not sure about this one. I feel that new parts should be held to a
tighter and more consistent standard, which l3p helps enforce. In the past I
have seen a reccommended value of 0.1. A number higher than 1.0 should get
some attention, higher that 2.0 should be rejected, or highly recommended to
be fixed. When I can't get this number reduced, I break the quad into 2

1 Identical to a previous line             Line has been seen before (L3P16)
1 Identical to line %u                     Line has been seen before (L3P32)

No, they should just get a warning.

BFC Warnings (don't reject):

0 Singular matrix                          Typically too many zeros • not sure. Haven't seen it before.
2 Row %d all zeros                         Zero row in matrix
2 Y column all zeros                       Zero y column in matrix
0 Singular matrix (unfixable)              L3P cannot fix matrix
1 Bad vertex sequence, 0312 used           Bow-tie in linetype 4
1 Bad vertex sequence, 0132 used           Bow-tie in linetype 4 • Can the vertex sequence error in the file be fixed automatically at upload?

Warnings (don't reject):

0 Color 24 illegal for this line type, using 16  Color 24 not valid for
                                          linetype 1,3,4
1 Lines should not use color 16            Color 16 not valid for linetype 2,5
3 Comment lines should have space after 0  Ill-formatted comment like "01 ..."
I do not know of any programs that have problems with this, but I could see
it being a parsing problem within them.

Oh!  One of the first parts I made, Ldraw kept crashing. The reason was with
line type 1, there was more than 1 space before the filename.
Might need to check for this as well, or maybe have the tracker "sniff" for
and fix this at upload.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Parts Tracker - Using L3P-check to scan submitted files
(...) [snip] (...) [snip] (...) No, they should be fine. If you use a line like 0 END ROTATE (upper- or lower-case), that would cause the error message. Maybe we should have specified (back in the day, too late now) that meta-commands all have to (...) (23 years ago, 19-Oct-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Parts Tracker - Using L3P-check to scan submitted files
Hey y'all- I'm just sort of starting to get to adding L3P-check'ing to the Parts Tracker submit function. I took a look at the documented messages, and tried to sort them out according to whether or not any particular error was cause to reject a (...) (23 years ago, 17-Oct-01, to

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