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 CAD / Development / Macintosh / 362
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Re: Multiple parts was Re: Mac LDraw Viewer comments
Tue, 24 Dec 2002 07:56:22 GMT
2160 times
In article <>, "Erik Olson" <>

In, Christopher Masi writes:
Does BrickDraw3D Carbon support adding bricks?

Yes, you just drag from the parts list with the mouse.
0.7 will have translucent drag images.

Huh, I'll try again.

OpenGL will be the default in 0.6. It is at least 3 times faster.

OpenGL it is then,

BrickDraw3D has improved substantially since the last time I looked at
it, but I find it hard to get used to the idea of not rotating the model
with the mouse though.

I wasn't sure how to put this into the interface.  A tool palette is
I avoided - the application has only one mode as a result. So that clicking
always means "select, to edit". Maybe a distinct view/edit mode switch? So
clicking in view mode starts a rotate? Otherwise in edit mode I want to make
(shift)click-drag open up a selection rectangle (for selecting multiple

Or this weird combination:

Click on piece - select or drag piece *
Click on nothing - begin rotate of model
Shift-Click on nothing - begin rectangle select
Option-click drag piece - duplicate piece *
Cmd-click - brings up menu *

* currently there in 0.5

The wierd combination seems fine with me. Switching modes wouldn't be
much fun.

Which is better - dual edit/view modes where the view mode just rotates the
model when you click on it - or use modifier keys to determine whether you
getting a piece or rotating the model?




Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Multiple parts was Re: Mac LDraw Viewer comments
(...) Yes, you just drag from the parts list with the mouse. 0.7 will have translucent drag images. (...) This is due to Apple eliminating QuickDraw3D. What you see in Classic is QuickDraw3D rendering. In Carbon, it is duplicated by Quesa, which is (...) (22 years ago, 23-Dec-02, to

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