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Re: DAT files: Do No Harm
Thu, 22 Aug 2002 19:53:39 GMT
697 times
In, Erik Olson writes:
In, Steve Bliss writes:

8. Try not to fill in an implied part name (where an empty part name implies
previous part) unless necessary (due to edit).


I found some model which was (mostly) all 3001.dat, except only the first
line gave the part number! All following lines were meant to be the same
part (with different location.) I guess the author's viewer tolerates this?

Whoa.  That's kinda bizarro.

So, the rule would be, if the author had left some part names empty, you
should leave them empty, except when that would be wrong.

I'd say the rule would be, don't fix invalid lines without the authors
permission. ;)

For example: the editor swaps out one of the middle lines for a new part;
the next line no longer has the same part, so it can't be omitted on that

I see your point, but I would expect most programs to choke (gracefully ;)
on the line without part numbers.

9. Perform smart merges with the file copy to support simultaneous editing


Suppose you have the model file buffered in a text editor AND the
hypothetical LEDIT type program. The LEDIT type program detects that the
file has been changed. Some kind of "smart merge" is required. If the LEDIT
type program remembers the original file contents, this is not so hard: it
first detects the insertions and deletions, then determines if those overlap
any deletions done on screen. If it's all insertions, the happy solution is
to incorporate the fresh insertions. If a line has been edited in both
places, there could be a choice offered.

Yes, that's a most excellent thing.  But I wouldn't call it a simple thing
to implement from scratch or to do automatically.  But at least give the
user a warning: "Hey, your file has changed!  Are you sure you want to
replace it?"

10. Try in other ways to format new lines in the way established in the
a. when the file has a nice table format, respect that

10b. Preserve mid-command line breaks.  They're evil, but they can be
useful.  The flip side of this is "fix mid-command line breaks".

Ooh, that is evil. You mean like when there is a line break after the line
type, after the location and after the rotation matrix...

Right.  99% of the time, it's just inadvertant line wraps.  But I suppose
someone might actually do it on purpose.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: DAT files: Do No Harm
(...) I found some model which was (mostly) all 3001.dat, except only the first line gave the part number! All following lines were meant to be the same part (with different location.) I guess the author's viewer tolerates this? So, the rule would (...) (23 years ago, 22-Aug-02, to

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