Re: DAT files: Do No Harm
Thu, 22 Aug 2002 19:53:39 GMT
697 times
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In, Erik Olson writes:
> In, Steve Bliss writes:
> > > 8. Try not to fill in an implied part name (where an empty part name implies
> > > previous part) unless necessary (due to edit).
> >
> > Huh?
> I found some model which was (mostly) all 3001.dat, except only the first
> line gave the part number! All following lines were meant to be the same
> part (with different location.) I guess the author's viewer tolerates this?
Whoa. That's kinda bizarro.
> So, the rule would be, if the author had left some part names empty, you
> should leave them empty, except when that would be wrong.
I'd say the rule would be, don't fix invalid lines without the authors
permission. ;)
> For example: the editor swaps out one of the middle lines for a new part;
> the next line no longer has the same part, so it can't be omitted on that
> line.
I see your point, but I would expect most programs to choke (gracefully ;)
on the line without part numbers.
> > > 9. Perform smart merges with the file copy to support simultaneous editing
> >
> > Huh?^2
> Suppose you have the model file buffered in a text editor AND the
> hypothetical LEDIT type program. The LEDIT type program detects that the
> file has been changed. Some kind of "smart merge" is required. If the LEDIT
> type program remembers the original file contents, this is not so hard: it
> first detects the insertions and deletions, then determines if those overlap
> any deletions done on screen. If it's all insertions, the happy solution is
> to incorporate the fresh insertions. If a line has been edited in both
> places, there could be a choice offered.
Yes, that's a most excellent thing. But I wouldn't call it a simple thing
to implement from scratch or to do automatically. But at least give the
user a warning: "Hey, your file has changed! Are you sure you want to
replace it?"
> > > 10. Try in other ways to format new lines in the way established in the
> > > file?
> > > a. when the file has a nice table format, respect that
> >
> > 10b. Preserve mid-command line breaks. They're evil, but they can be
> > useful. The flip side of this is "fix mid-command line breaks".
> Ooh, that is evil. You mean like when there is a line break after the line
> type, after the location and after the rotation matrix...
Right. 99% of the time, it's just inadvertant line wraps. But I suppose
someone might actually do it on purpose.
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: DAT files: Do No Harm
| (...) I found some model which was (mostly) all 3001.dat, except only the first line gave the part number! All following lines were meant to be the same part (with different location.) I guess the author's viewer tolerates this? So, the rule would (...) (23 years ago, 22-Aug-02, to
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