Re: Unnoficial Parts (Tiles with Edge)
Tue, 30 Jul 2002 13:54:42 GMT
598 times
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In, Chris Dee wrote:
> I am not aware of this part existing without the grooves, so I think the
> introduction of 2431b was a mistake. I think ....a and ....b numbers should
> only be used where two versions of the same part do exist
> I think the following actions need to be taken to clean up
> Rename 2431b to 2431 (overwriting existing and leaving ~Moved to file)
> Rename s\2431bs01 to s\2431s01
> Rework 2431p02, 2431p11 (unofficial on PT), 2431p12, 2431p51 to use s\2431s01
> Re-rename 2431bp51 to 2431p51 (leaving ~Moved to file)
> Re-rename 2431bp79 to 2431p79 (leaving ~Moved to file)
> Comments ?
You guys couldn't have spoken up a month or two earlier?! ;)
I agree with your suggested changes, Chris. I'll go ahead and implement
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 | | Re: Unnoficial Parts (Tiles with Edge)
| (...) have (...) a (...) for (...) filename. (...) was (...) I am not aware of this part existing without the grooves, so I think the introduction of 2431b was a mistake. I think ....a and ....b numbers should only be used where two versions of the (...) (23 years ago, 28-Jul-02, to
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