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Re: Moving around in a CAD model.
Mon, 29 Jul 2002 22:45:36 GMT
510 times
To generate dat files with camera 'stuff' and feed them to L3P, you can
use my LD4DModeler application. Have to fix the lights though or the
inside will be dark I gess rendering in povray.

Are you an developer of ldglite? Could not tell from the site, but if so
I've got a routine for capturing a part of the current desktop in
windows. You can make nice screen caps with it. I use it in Beta 3 of
LD4DModeler to capture the DirectX window's content per frame. This is
very handy if you can't copy the content of a window directly.

If you want I'll post it here. It's in delphi pascal but mostly api
call's so easaly translated to C++.

PS: why not use quake etc game style for navigation, mouse 'head' arrows
feet. And switch from navigating / normal with e.g. caplock or some
other toggle thingy  :)


Don Heyse wrote:

This is something I've wanted to do for a while and finally got
around to it again.  The current version of ldglite can be used
as a cheesy scene modeler for making nice POV shots by calculating
the camera stuff for l3p.  The trouble is getting the camera to
show what you want with an easy to use interface.  I'm getting
closer to something nice, but could use some suggestions from
anyone out there who plays 3D games where this sort of thing
might already be implemented in a nice standard way.  Right now
I've got it so the ALT key combined with a mouse drag can move
you around in the model like so.  (warning, 800K avi file)

It's actually a lot less jumpy in real life.  I'm not a pro at
making screen capture movies.

Anyhow, does anyone have some suggestions for a mouse-keyboard
interface that'll let you move around easily in a 3D world like
this?  Currently I have ALT-mouse moving left,right and up,down.
ALT-SHIFT-mouse turns left,right and up,down.  ALT-CTRL-mouse
moves forward,back and turns left,right.  (I like that best after
I get to the right height, and it's what you see in the movie.)

So far I've heard that ALT may not be the best key to use since
many screen managers seem use it.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Moving around in a CAD model.
(...) Does the LD4DModeler work on a Mac or linux box? Part of my agenda is to make something not tied to a specific platform, and I like to make the source available so anyone can play with it. (...) Hmmm, I never thought of ldglite as an animation (...) (23 years ago, 30-Jul-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Moving around in a CAD model.
This is something I've wanted to do for a while and finally got around to it again. The current version of ldglite can be used as a cheesy scene modeler for making nice POV shots by calculating the camera stuff for l3p. The trouble is getting the (...) (23 years ago, 29-Jul-02, to

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