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 CAD / Development / 4576
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Re: Suggestion for new meta command & help request
Mon, 24 Apr 2000 16:53:01 GMT
664 times
In, Michael Lachmann wrote:

What would you suggest as the best way to define the rotation point? Please try
to describe it as clear as possible from the user point of view! What should
the user press or do in order to define this center point?

Like Fredrik said, you should use the origin as the rotation point for parts and
other subfiles.  Most parts have been written with the idea that the part would
be rotated around the origin.

Also, rotating subfiles on the origin allows advanced modelers to cleanly
control the functioning of their advanced models.  When a section of the model
needs to rotate on a hinge or axle, they can put the rotating section in a
subfile, making sure the section is positioned with the rotation-point at the

One thing MLCad could do is to base the snap-to movements on the local
dimensions of the part being moved.  So if I rotate a 2x4 brick 90 degrees
around X (so it's sideways), then move it downward, Y should change by +5, not
the normal +4.

This won't help with parts that are rotated at odd angles, but it will help in
many cases.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Suggestion for new meta command & help request
(...) try (...) and (...) would (...) <SNIP> (...) Ha, sorry for that, but you know what MLCad did first? It was rotating the part arround it's origin. But what happened? Example: (the star is the origin) +--+ | | *--+ now rotated ... *-+ | | | | (...) (25 years ago, 25-Apr-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Suggestion for new meta command & help request
Hi to all, since I played arround with MLCad the last couple of days to test it, I realy learned there is a mess with the rotations. MLCad currently try to rotate the part by its absolute center which sometimes works and sometimes not. So I feel I (...) (25 years ago, 23-Apr-00, to

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