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Re: Suggestion for new meta command & help request
Mon, 24 Apr 2000 07:38:51 GMT
744 times
"Michael Lachmann" <> writes:

I believe the problem is not the rotation point itself if the
center for rotations is set to a stud or between two studs every
thing would work fine, since the default step width of MLCad is
halve a stud. So after rotating you can place it very exact.

I don't understand this.  What if the user wants to rotate by
something which isn't a multiple of 90°?  Say, 30°?  If the rotation
point is off by one (or even a half) stud, it isn't going to work to
offset the part afterwards.  Unless you offset it by 20*(cos 30°, sin
30°), or something to that effect, which is too much work, I'm sure.

I learned in the last days the problem is with parts which are
e.g. 1 + 1/2 stud wide, since MLCad now rotates somewhere on 0.75
stud which is wrong in such a case. In this case a CENTER command
would help.

I don't understand this either.  Do you mean that you don't rotate by
the origin of the part?  Parts which have an odd dimension normally
have the origin somewhere sane anyway.  For example the "2540.DAT
Plate 1 x 2 with Handle" (just above 1½ stud wide?) has the origin
sanely put between the studs, and rotation by a multiple of 90° should
be no problem.

I'm sorry, I don't understand the rest of the post either.  Perhaps
there was something in the beginning I misunderstood.  I probably
shouldn't have replied at all...  Sorry about that.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Suggestion for new meta command & help request
(...) <SNIP> Frederik, I think I confused you, because I mixed some things up it seems... I will check the thing with my rotations in MLCad maybe you are right and I don't rotate anlong the origin of the part ... at least that's the feeling I get (...) (25 years ago, 24-Apr-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Suggestion for new meta command & help request
(...) I believe the problem is not the rotation point itself if the center for rotations is set to a stud or between two studs every thing would work fine, since the default step width of MLCad is halve a stud. So after rotating you can place it (...) (25 years ago, 24-Apr-00, to

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