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Re: Centering (was: I need help with the new tread links)
Fri, 26 Nov 1999 15:54:33 GMT
668 times
"Dave Schuler" <> writes:

   That works fine for me, because for now I use LEdit almost
exclusively.  I'm a little familiar with the "/T C" function; does
this set the "center" to the center of the piece?  How about when
using subassemblies while drafting larger models--does "/ T C" set
the "center" to the center of the whole assembly?

Yes to both questions.  If you are unsure about the centre of the part
you are currently working on, you can temporarily switch to a different
part, move it around, set the centre, and LEdit will remember this 'till
the next time you reset the centre.

If you select different views, like Left, Front, Above, you can see
exactly where the "crosshair" is located, which is where the centre of
rotation is set to in 3D space.  You can also zoom in and out to get a
clear view of the centre.  I do this all the time when I compose models.

Note that the centre of a given part is usually in the centre of the
part, but not always, so check before you rotate!

   I'm not trying to be obtuse, really!  I've just had the sense that I'm
missing a fundamental property of LEdit.

No worries!  The concept of the rotation centre in LEdit is very
important to learn, so please go on asking questions if you don't get
it.  I may have explained this in an unclear way.

Oh, and did you see the LDraw & LEdit tutorial by Bram Lambrech?  I
think it covers rotation of parts.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Centering (was: I need help with the new tread links)
*snip* (...) *snip* Thanks for the elucidation! One last question: how do you set the center of a piece permanently, as in a new DAT file? I notice, for example, that doors rotate on the anchoring studs, rather than on the center of "mass" of the (...) (25 years ago, 26-Nov-99, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Centering (was: I need help with the new tread links)
(...) That works fine for me, because for now I use LEdit almost exclusively. I'm a little familiar with the "/T C" function; does this set the "center" to the center of the piece? How about when using subassemblies while drafting larger (...) (25 years ago, 26-Nov-99, to

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