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Re: DAT format question
Wed, 22 Sep 1999 11:55:59 GMT
792 times
Gary Williams:

Bram Lambrecht wrote in message <>...


My experience has been that as flexibility increases, complexity increases.
I'm usually quite anal about coding objects to always behave in a very
structured, predictable pattern.

Then give the user a _choice_ of interface.

Should I also allow inserting a free-floating polygon or line anywhere on a
model?  Or would geometric primitives (polygons, lines, optional lines) not
be allowed unless you opened a file as a part/primitive?

I would limit command types 2-5 to the "extended interface".

Here's one scenario where it's bad to allow having primitives right on
models.  Suppose you have a model open.  You click somewhere on the top of a
stud on a brick.  The program won't know whether you intended to select that
particular polygon, the primitive that contains the polygon, or the brick
that contains the primitive.

Or would the selected object always be something that was added directly to
the root model?

The selected object would of cause (imo) always be the level
referred directly to by the root level file.

If you clicked on a stud on a brick on a subassembly of a model, would the
subassembly become the currently-selected object?


If you opened a brick as a part, then clicking on a polygon on the stud
could make the stud the currently-selected object...while in the primitive
editor, that polygon could become the currently-selected object.  Always
stopping one level beneath the outermost object seems like a rule that would
always suffice.


If all DAT files are treated equally, this could create confusion with new
users, by not being able to have the most-likely options at a given time
displayed more prominently.

It is fine to have a "beginners interface", but even
beginners will at some point want access to all the

Play well,


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Message is in Reply To:
  Re: DAT format question
Bram Lambrecht wrote in message <>... (...) My experience has been that as flexibility increases, complexity increases. I'm usually quite anal about coding objects to always behave in a very structured, predictable (...) (25 years ago, 22-Sep-99, to

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