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LDraw BFC Tool
Newsgroups:, lugnet.cad
Tue, 15 Jun 2010 12:02:35 GMT
37477 times
The time is up. There is no need to edit thousand lines of code anymore if you are in trouble with BFC-Certification!

I have written a tool which requires .NET framework 3.5 and managed DirectX 9 to run.

With this tool you are able to change wrong windings with just a few mouse clicks and save your changes in a new DAT-file which conforms to the LSC BFC standards. Therefore I would like to announce the existence of this tool and part authors are invited to use this tool.

I hope that the use of this program will make part authoring more comfortable and speed up the certification process.

The software is released as alpha version and unfortunately not stable for large meshes yet.

I will write a English manual as soon as possible and upload it on sourceforge.

Posted on behalf of Nils Schmidt (LDraw username: BlackBrick89) who is still waiting for his LUGNET account to be authorised.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: LDraw BFC Tool
(...) Cool! Where does one find an executable? Kevin (15 years ago, 15-Jun-10, to, FTX)
  Re: LDraw BFC Tool
(...) Hi, I like to introduce version Beta of the BFC-Tool (it is necessary to update the information on the downloads section on New features: Changed required .NET Framework from 3.5 to Framework 2.0 Added "What's (...) (15 years ago, 20-Jun-10, to, FTX)

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