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Re: Work-in-progress improved minifig arm
Sun, 28 Apr 2002 21:40:15 GMT
2107 times
In, Chris Dee writes:
In, Chris Dee writes:
In, Tony Hafner writes:
In, Steve Bliss writes:
In, Tony Hafner writes:

Has there been any discussion regarding redoing the arm parts to more
accurately model the real thing?

I would *love* it if someone were to redo the arms and hand with higher
accuracy. :)

Note that it's probably not possible to make proper arms that are backwards
compatible because of the hand placement on the ends.  So we'd need to
assign new id numbers to the arms... right?  Either that or we break a few
thousand files.

It may be possible to use the existing hands, though, or at least have a new
hand part that is backwards compatible with the old hand.  I haven't looked
that closely at the hand itself- I don't know if the hand-to-wrist angle is
accurate or if the rotation center makes sense, which are my primary • concerns.

Tony Hafner

I have started working on an improved arm part - and agree this will need to
use a new number to aboid backward compatibility issues. I'll try and post
work-in-progress here when I have something worthy of comment.


Here is my work so far on improving the minifig arm. It is provided as an MPD
file of a torso and arms at two different angles; right - upper arm vertical;
left - forearm horizontal.

There is still much to do on the inner arm and not all the necessary type 5
lines are done. The new arm part still contains a lot of working comments.

But hopefully it shows the direction I am going - all comments welcome.


Repost to fix line-wrapping mess.

0 FILE armtest.dat
0 Name: armtest.DAT
0 Author: Chris Dee (

1 1 0 0 0   1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 973.DAT

0 rotated 9.782 z
1 15 -15.552 9 0 .9855 -.1699 0 .1699 .9855 0 0 0 1 975b.dat
0 rotated -45 x, -9.782 z
1 15 15.552 9 0 -.9855 .1201 .1201 .1699 .6968 .6968 0 -.7071 .7071 975b.dat
0 FILE 975b.dat
0 Minifig Arm Right
0 Name: 975b.DAT
0 Author: Chris Dee (
0 Unofficial Element

0 peg
1 16 0 0 0 0 -1 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 4-4edge.dat
1 16 0 0 0 0 7 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 4-4cyli.dat
1 16 7 0 0 0 -1 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 4-4edge.dat
1 16 7 0 0 0 -1 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 ring1.dat
1 16 7 0 0 0 -1 0 4 0 0 0 0 4 4-4edge.dat
1 16 0 0 0 0 2 0 5 0 0 0 0 5 4-4cyli.dat
1 16 0 0 0 0 -1 0 5 0 0 0 0 5 4-4edge.dat
1 16 3.5 0 0 0 -1 0 5.5 0 0 0 0 5.5 4-4edge.dat
0 Inlined:1 16 0 0 0 0 1 0 -1 0 0 0 0 1 975b01.dat
0 *** Lathed from:
0 *** 2 4 5 2 0 5.5 3.5 0
0 *** 2 4 5.5 3.5 0 4 7 0
0 Segment #1
0 Longitudes
5 24 2 -5 0 3.5 -5.5 0 2 -4.619 -1.913 2 -4.619 1.913
5 24 3.5 -5.5 0 7 -4 0 3.5 -5.081 -2.105 3.5 -5.081 2.105
0 Latitudes
2 24 2 -5 0 2 -4.619 1.913
5 24 3.5 -5.5 0 3.5 -5.081 2.105 2 -5 0 7 -4 0
2 24 7 -4 0 7 -3.696 1.531
0 Boxes
4 16 2 -5 0 3.5 -5.5 0 3.5 -5.081 2.105 2 -4.619 1.913
4 16 3.5 -5.5 0 7 -4 0 7 -3.696 1.531 3.5 -5.081 2.105
0 Segment #2
0 Longitudes
5 24 2 -4.619 1.913 3.5 -5.081 2.105 2 -5 0 2 -3.536 3.536
5 24 3.5 -5.081 2.105 7 -3.696 1.531 3.5 -5.5 0 3.5 -3.889 3.889
0 Latitudes
2 24 2 -4.619 1.913 2 -3.536 3.536
5 24 3.5 -5.081 2.105 3.5 -3.889 3.889 2 -4.619 1.913 7 -3.696 1.531
2 24 7 -3.696 1.531 7 -2.828 2.828
0 Boxes
4 16 2 -4.619 1.913 3.5 -5.081 2.105 3.5 -3.889 3.889 2 -3.536 3.536
4 16 3.5 -5.081 2.105 7 -3.696 1.531 7 -2.828 2.828 3.5 -3.889 3.889
0 Segment #3
0 Longitudes
5 24 2 -3.536 3.536 3.5 -3.889 3.889 2 -4.619 1.913 2 -1.913 4.619
5 24 3.5 -3.889 3.889 7 -2.828 2.828 3.5 -5.081 2.105 3.5 -2.105 5.081
0 Latitudes
2 24 2 -3.536 3.536 2 -1.913 4.619
5 24 3.5 -3.889 3.889 3.5 -2.105 5.081 2 -3.536 3.536 7 -2.828 2.828
2 24 7 -2.828 2.828 7 -1.531 3.696
0 Boxes
4 16 2 -3.536 3.536 3.5 -3.889 3.889 3.5 -2.105 5.081 2 -1.913 4.619
4 16 3.5 -3.889 3.889 7 -2.828 2.828 7 -1.531 3.696 3.5 -2.105 5.081
0 Segment #4
0 Longitudes
5 24 2 -1.913 4.619 3.5 -2.105 5.081 2 -3.536 3.536 2 0 5
5 24 3.5 -2.105 5.081 7 -1.531 3.696 3.5 -3.889 3.889 3.5 0 5.5
0 Latitudes
2 24 2 -1.913 4.619 2 0 5
5 24 3.5 -2.105 5.081 3.5 0 5.5 2 -1.913 4.619 7 -1.531 3.696
2 24 7 -1.531 3.696 7 0 4
0 Boxes
4 16 2 -1.913 4.619 3.5 -2.105 5.081 3.5 0 5.5 2 0 5
4 16 3.5 -2.105 5.081 7 -1.531 3.696 7 0 4 3.5 0 5.5
0 Segment #5
0 Longitudes
5 24 2 0 5 3.5 0 5.5 2 -1.913 4.619 2 1.913 4.619
5 24 3.5 0 5.5 7 0 4 3.5 -2.105 5.081 3.5 2.105 5.081
0 Latitudes
2 24 2 0 5 2 1.913 4.619
5 24 3.5 0 5.5 3.5 2.105 5.081 2 0 5 7 0 4
2 24 7 0 4 7 1.531 3.696
0 Boxes
4 16 2 0 5 3.5 0 5.5 3.5 2.105 5.081 2 1.913 4.619
4 16 3.5 0 5.5 7 0 4 7 1.531 3.696 3.5 2.105 5.081
0 Segment #6
0 Longitudes
5 24 2 1.913 4.619 3.5 2.105 5.081 2 0 5 2 3.536 3.536
5 24 3.5 2.105 5.081 7 1.531 3.696 3.5 0 5.5 3.5 3.889 3.889
0 Latitudes
2 24 2 1.913 4.619 2 3.536 3.536
5 24 3.5 2.105 5.081 3.5 3.889 3.889 2 1.913 4.619 7 1.531 3.696
2 24 7 1.531 3.696 7 2.828 2.828
0 Boxes
4 16 2 1.913 4.619 3.5 2.105 5.081 3.5 3.889 3.889 2 3.536 3.536
4 16 3.5 2.105 5.081 7 1.531 3.696 7 2.828 2.828 3.5 3.889 3.889
0 Segment #7
0 Longitudes
5 24 2 3.536 3.536 3.5 3.889 3.889 2 1.913 4.619 2 4.619 1.913
5 24 3.5 3.889 3.889 7 2.828 2.828 3.5 2.105 5.081 3.5 5.081 2.105
0 Latitudes
2 24 2 3.536 3.536 2 4.619 1.913
5 24 3.5 3.889 3.889 3.5 5.081 2.105 2 3.536 3.536 7 2.828 2.828
2 24 7 2.828 2.828 7 3.696 1.531
0 Boxes
4 16 2 3.536 3.536 3.5 3.889 3.889 3.5 5.081 2.105 2 4.619 1.913
4 16 3.5 3.889 3.889 7 2.828 2.828 7 3.696 1.531 3.5 5.081 2.105
0 Segment #8
0 Longitudes
5 24 2 4.619 1.913 3.5 5.081 2.105 2 3.536 3.536 2 5 0
5 24 3.5 5.081 2.105 7 3.696 1.531 3.5 3.889 3.889 3.5 5.5 0
0 Latitudes
2 24 2 4.619 1.913 2 5 0
5 24 3.5 5.081 2.105 3.5 5.5 0 2 4.619 1.913 7 3.696 1.531
2 24 7 3.696 1.531 7 4 0
0 Boxes
4 16 2 4.619 1.913 3.5 5.081 2.105 3.5 5.5 0 2 5 0
4 16 3.5 5.081 2.105 7 3.696 1.531 7 4 0 3.5 5.5 0
0 Segment #9
0 Longitudes
5 24 2 5 0 3.5 5.5 0 2 4.619 1.913 2 4.619 -1.913
5 24 3.5 5.5 0 7 4 0 3.5 5.081 2.105 3.5 5.081 -2.105
0 Latitudes
2 24 2 5 0 2 4.619 -1.913
5 24 3.5 5.5 0 3.5 5.081 -2.105 2 5 0 7 4 0
2 24 7 4 0 7 3.696 -1.531
0 Boxes
4 16 2 5 0 3.5 5.5 0 3.5 5.081 -2.105 2 4.619 -1.913
4 16 3.5 5.5 0 7 4 0 7 3.696 -1.531 3.5 5.081 -2.105
0 Segment #10
0 Longitudes
5 24 2 4.619 -1.913 3.5 5.081 -2.105 2 5 0 2 3.536 -3.536
5 24 3.5 5.081 -2.105 7 3.696 -1.531 3.5 5.5 0 3.5 3.889 -3.889
0 Latitudes
2 24 2 4.619 -1.913 2 3.536 -3.536
5 24 3.5 5.081 -2.105 3.5 3.889 -3.889 2 4.619 -1.913 7 3.696 -1.531
2 24 7 3.696 -1.531 7 2.828 -2.828
0 Boxes
4 16 2 4.619 -1.913 3.5 5.081 -2.105 3.5 3.889 -3.889 2 3.536 -3.536
4 16 3.5 5.081 -2.105 7 3.696 -1.531 7 2.828 -2.828 3.5 3.889 -3.889
0 Segment #11
0 Longitudes
5 24 2 3.536 -3.536 3.5 3.889 -3.889 2 4.619 -1.913 2 1.913 -4.619
5 24 3.5 3.889 -3.889 7 2.828 -2.828 3.5 5.081 -2.105 3.5 2.105 -5.081
0 Latitudes
2 24 2 3.536 -3.536 2 1.913 -4.619
5 24 3.5 3.889 -3.889 3.5 2.105 -5.081 2 3.536 -3.536 7 2.828 -2.828
2 24 7 2.828 -2.828 7 1.531 -3.696
0 Boxes
4 16 2 3.536 -3.536 3.5 3.889 -3.889 3.5 2.105 -5.081 2 1.913 -4.619
4 16 3.5 3.889 -3.889 7 2.828 -2.828 7 1.531 -3.696 3.5 2.105 -5.081
0 Segment #12
0 Longitudes
5 24 2 1.913 -4.619 3.5 2.105 -5.081 2 3.536 -3.536 2 0 -5
5 24 3.5 2.105 -5.081 7 1.531 -3.696 3.5 3.889 -3.889 3.5 0 -5.5
0 Latitudes
2 24 2 1.913 -4.619 2 0 -5
5 24 3.5 2.105 -5.081 3.5 0 -5.5 2 1.913 -4.619 7 1.531 -3.696
2 24 7 1.531 -3.696 7 0 -4
0 Boxes
4 16 2 1.913 -4.619 3.5 2.105 -5.081 3.5 0 -5.5 2 0 -5
4 16 3.5 2.105 -5.081 7 1.531 -3.696 7 0 -4 3.5 0 -5.5
0 Segment #13
0 Longitudes
5 24 2 0 -5 3.5 0 -5.5 2 1.913 -4.619 2 -1.913 -4.619
5 24 3.5 0 -5.5 7 0 -4 3.5 2.105 -5.081 3.5 -2.105 -5.081
0 Latitudes
2 24 2 0 -5 2 -1.913 -4.619
5 24 3.5 0 -5.5 3.5 -2.105 -5.081 2 0 -5 7 0 -4
2 24 7 0 -4 7 -1.531 -3.696
0 Boxes
4 16 2 0 -5 3.5 0 -5.5 3.5 -2.105 -5.081 2 -1.913 -4.619
4 16 3.5 0 -5.5 7 0 -4 7 -1.531 -3.696 3.5 -2.105 -5.081
0 Segment #14
0 Longitudes
5 24 2 -1.913 -4.619 3.5 -2.105 -5.081 2 0 -5 2 -3.536 -3.536
5 24 3.5 -2.105 -5.081 7 -1.531 -3.696 3.5 0 -5.5 3.5 -3.889 -3.889
0 Latitudes
2 24 2 -1.913 -4.619 2 -3.536 -3.536
5 24 3.5 -2.105 -5.081 3.5 -3.889 -3.889 2 -1.913 -4.619 7 -1.531 -3.696
2 24 7 -1.531 -3.696 7 -2.828 -2.828
0 Boxes
4 16 2 -1.913 -4.619 3.5 -2.105 -5.081 3.5 -3.889 -3.889 2 -3.536 -3.536
4 16 3.5 -2.105 -5.081 7 -1.531 -3.696 7 -2.828 -2.828 3.5 -3.889 -3.889
0 Segment #15
0 Longitudes
5 24 2 -3.536 -3.536 3.5 -3.889 -3.889 2 -1.913 -4.619 2 -4.619 -1.913
5 24 3.5 -3.889 -3.889 7 -2.828 -2.828 3.5 -2.105 -5.081 3.5 -5.081 -2.105
0 Latitudes
2 24 2 -3.536 -3.536 2 -4.619 -1.913
5 24 3.5 -3.889 -3.889 3.5 -5.081 -2.105 2 -3.536 -3.536 7 -2.828 -2.828
2 24 7 -2.828 -2.828 7 -3.696 -1.531
0 Boxes
4 16 2 -3.536 -3.536 3.5 -3.889 -3.889 3.5 -5.081 -2.105 2 -4.619 -1.913
4 16 3.5 -3.889 -3.889 7 -2.828 -2.828 7 -3.696 -1.531 3.5 -5.081 -2.105
0 Segment #16
0 Longitudes
5 24 2 -4.619 -1.913 3.5 -5.081 -2.105 2 -3.536 -3.536 2 -5 0
5 24 3.5 -5.081 -2.105 7 -3.696 -1.531 3.5 -3.889 -3.889 3.5 -5.5 0
0 Latitudes
2 24 2 -4.619 -1.913 2 -5 0
5 24 3.5 -5.081 -2.105 3.5 -5.5 0 2 -4.619 -1.913 7 -3.696 -1.531
2 24 7 -3.696 -1.531 7 -4 0
0 Boxes
4 16 2 -4.619 -1.913 3.5 -5.081 -2.105 3.5 -5.5 0 2 -5 0
4 16 3.5 -5.081 -2.105 7 -3.696 -1.531 7 -4 0 3.5 -5.5 0

0 flat inner arm
1 16 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 -6.5 6.5 0 0 2-4edge.dat
1 16 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 -6.5 6.5 0 0 4-4disc.dat

2 24 0 0 6.5 0 8 6.5
0 2 24 0 0 -6.5 0 8 -1.5

0 2 4 0 9 0 0 18.9 -9.9
1 16 -5 18.9 -9.9 5 0 0 0 -6 -3.536 0 6 -3.536 4-4cyli.dat
1 16 -5 18.9 -9.9 1 0 0 0 -1 -0.707 0 1 -0.707 ring3.dat
1 16 -5 18.9 -9.9 1 0 0 0 -1 -0.707 0 1 -0.707 ring4.dat
1 16 -5 18.9 -9.9 5 0 0 0 -1 -3.536 0 1 -3.536 4-4edge.dat

0 hand hole
1 16 -5 18.9 -9.9 3 0 0 0 -1 -2.122 0 1 -2.122 4-4edge.dat
1 16 -5 18.9 -9.9 3 0 0 0 -8.487 -2.122 0 8.487 -2.122 4-4cyli.dat
1 16 -5 10.413 -1.413 3 0 0 0 -1 -2.122 0 1 -2.122 4-4edge.dat
1 16 -5 10.413 -1.413 3 0 0 0 -1 -2.111 0 1 -2.122 4-4disc.dat

0 longitude 0
5 24 -6.666 0 0 -5 -4 0 -6.286 0 -2.488 -6.286 0 2.488
5 24 -5 -4 0 -2.5 -5.75 0 -4.746 -3.695 -2.487 -4.746 -3.695 2.487
5 24 -2.5 -5.75 0 0 -6.5 0 -2.310 -5.312 -2.487 -2.310 -5.312 2.487

0 to be reflected on z
0 Inlined:1 16 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 975b02.DAT
0 Name: 975b02.DAT
0 Author: Chris Dee (
0 Unofficial Sub-Part

0 longitude 1
5 24 -2.31 -5.312 -2.487 0 -6.005 -2.487 -2.5 -5.75 0 -1.768 -4.066 -4.596
5 24 -4.746 -3.695 -2.487 -2.31 -5.312 -2.487 -5 -4 0 -4.024 -2.829 -4.596
5 24 -6.285 0 -2.487 -4.746 -3.695 -2.487 -6.666 0 0 -5.202 0 -4.596
0 longitude 2
5 24 -1.768 -4.066 -4.596 0 -4.596 -4.596 -2.31 -5.312 -2.487 -.957 -2.2 -6.005
5 24 -4.024 -2.829 -4.596 -1.768 -4.066 -4.596 -4.746 -3.695 -2.487 -2.942 -1.53 -6.005
5 24 -5.202 0 -4.596 -4.024 -2.829 -4.596 -6.286 0 -2.488 -3.58 0 -6.005
0 longitude 3
5 24 -.957 -2.2 -6.005 0 -2.487 -6.005 -1.768 -4.066 -4.596 0 0 -6.5
5 24 -2.942 -1.53 -6.005 -.957 -2.2 -6.005 -4.024 -2.829 -4.596 -1.666 0 -6.5
5 24 -3.579 0 -6.005 -2.942 -1.53 -6.005 -5.202 0 -4.596 -1.666 0 -6.5
0 (lattitude 3)
0 2 24 0 -6.5 0 0 -6.005 -2.488
0 2 24 0 -6.005 -2.488 0 -4.596 -4.596
0 2 24 0 -4.596 -4.596 0 -2.488 -6.005
0 2 24 0 -2.488 -6.005 0 0 -6.5
0 stripe 3
4 16 0 -6.5 0 0 -6.005 -2.488 -2.31 -5.312 -2.487 -2.5 -5.75 0
4 16 0 -6.005 -2.488 0 -4.596 -4.596 -1.768 -4.066 -4.596 -2.31 -5.312 -2.487
4 16 0 -4.596 -4.596 0 -2.488 -6.005 -.957 -2.2 -6.005 -1.768 -4.066 -4.596
3 16 0 -2.488 -6.005 0 0 -6.5 -.957 -2.2 -6.005
0 lattitude 2
5 24 -2.5 -5.75 0 -2.31 -5.312 -2.487 0 -6.5 0 -5 -4 0
5 24 -2.31 -5.312 -2.487 -1.768 -4.066 -4.596 0 -6.005 -2.487 -4.746 -3.695 -2.487
5 24 -1.768 -4.066 -4.596 -.957 -2.2 -6.005 0 -4.596 -4.596 -4.024 -2.829 -4.596
5 24 -.957 -2.2 -6.005 0 0 -6.5 0 -2.487 -6.005 -2.942 -1.53 -6.005
0 stripe 2
3 16 -2.5 -5.75 0 -2.31 -5.312 -2.487 -4.746 -3.695 -2.487
3 16 -2.31 -5.312 -2.487 -1.768 -4.066 -4.596 -4.024 -2.829 -4.596
3 16 -1.768 -4.066 -4.596 -.957 -2.2 -6.005 -2.942 -1.53 -6.005
3 16 -.957 -2.2 -6.005 0 0 -6.5 -1.666 0 -6.5
3 16 -2.5 -5.75 0 -5 -4 0 -4.746 -3.695 -2.487
3 16 -2.31 -5.312 -2.487 -4.746 -3.695 -2.487 -4.024 -2.829 -4.596
3 16 -1.768 -4.066 -4.596 -4.024 -2.829 -4.596 -2.942 -1.53 -6.005
3 16 -.957 -2.2 -6.005 -2.942 -1.53 -6.005 -1.666 0 -6.5
0 latitude 1
0 2 0 -5 -4 0 -4.746 -3.695 -2.487
0 2 0 -4.746 -3.695 -2.487 -4.024 -2.829 -4.596
0 2 0 -4.024 -2.829 -4.596 -2.942 -1.530 -6.005
0 2 0 -2.942 -1.530 -6.005 -1.666 0 -6.5
5 24 -5 -4 0 -4.746 -3.695 -2.487 -6.666 0 0 -2.5 -5.75 0
5 24 -4.746 -3.695 -2.487 -4.024 -2.829 -4.596 -2.31 -5.312 -2.487 -6.285 0 -2.487
5 24 -4.024 -2.829 -4.596 -2.942 -1.53 -6.005 -1.768 -4.066 -4.596 -5.202 0 -4.596
5 24 -2.942 -1.53 -6.005 -1.666 0 -6.5 -.957 -2.2 -6.005 -3.579 0 -6.005
0 stripe 1
4 16 -5 -4 0 -4.746 -3.695 -2.487 -6.286 0 -2.488 -6.666 0 0
4 16 -4.746 -3.695 -2.487 -4.024 -2.829 -4.596 -5.202 0 -4.596 -6.286 0 -2.488
4 16 -4.024 -2.829 -4.596 -2.942 -1.53 -6.005 -3.58 0 -6.005 -5.202 0 -4.596
3 16 -2.942 -1.53 -6.005 -1.666 0 -6.5 -3.58 0 -6.005
0 (latitude 0)
0 2 12 -6.666 0 0 -6.286 0 -2.488
0 2 12 -6.286 0 -2.488 -5.202 0 -4.596
0 2 12 -5.202 0 -4.596 -3.580 0 -6.005
0 2 12 -3.580 0 -6.005 -1.666 0 -6.5
0 Inlined:1 16 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -1 975b02.DAT
0 Name: 975b02.DAT
0 Author: Chris Dee (
0 Unofficial Sub-Part

0 longitude 1
5 24 -2.31 -5.312 2.487 0 -6.005 2.487 -2.5 -5.75 0 -1.768 -4.066 4.596
5 24 -4.746 -3.695 2.487 -2.31 -5.312 2.487 -5 -4 0 -4.024 -2.829 4.596
5 24 -6.285 0 2.487 -4.746 -3.695 2.487 -6.666 0 0 -5.202 0 4.596
0 longitude 2
5 24 -1.768 -4.066 4.596 0 -4.596 4.596 -2.31 -5.312 2.487 -.957 -2.2 6.005
5 24 -4.024 -2.829 4.596 -1.768 -4.066 4.596 -4.746 -3.695 2.487 -2.942 -1.53 6.005
5 24 -5.202 0 4.596 -4.024 -2.829 4.596 -6.286 0 2.488 -3.58 0 6.005
0 longitude 3
5 24 -.957 -2.2 6.005 0 -2.487 6.005 -1.768 -4.066 4.596 0 0 6.5
5 24 -2.942 -1.53 6.005 -.957 -2.2 6.005 -4.024 -2.829 4.596 -1.666 0 6.5
5 24 -3.579 0 6.005 -2.942 -1.53 6.005 -5.202 0 4.596 -1.666 0 6.5
0 (lattitude 3)
0 2 24 0 -6.5 0 0 -6.005 -2.488
0 2 24 0 -6.005 -2.488 0 -4.596 -4.596
0 2 24 0 -4.596 -4.596 0 -2.488 -6.005
0 2 24 0 -2.488 -6.005 0 0 -6.5
0 stripe 3
4 16 0 -6.5 0 0 -6.005 2.488 -2.31 -5.312 2.487 -2.5 -5.75 0
4 16 0 -6.005 2.488 0 -4.596 4.596 -1.768 -4.066 4.596 -2.31 -5.312 2.487
4 16 0 -4.596 4.596 0 -2.488 6.005 -.957 -2.2 6.005 -1.768 -4.066 4.596
3 16 0 -2.488 6.005 0 0 6.5 -.957 -2.2 6.005
0 lattitude 2
5 24 -2.5 -5.75 0 -2.31 -5.312 2.487 0 -6.5 0 -5 -4 0
5 24 -2.31 -5.312 2.487 -1.768 -4.066 4.596 0 -6.005 2.487 -4.746 -3.695 2.487
5 24 -1.768 -4.066 4.596 -.957 -2.2 6.005 0 -4.596 4.596 -4.024 -2.829 4.596
5 24 -.957 -2.2 6.005 0 0 6.5 0 -2.487 6.005 -2.942 -1.53 6.005
0 stripe 2
3 16 -2.5 -5.75 0 -2.31 -5.312 2.487 -4.746 -3.695 2.487
3 16 -2.31 -5.312 2.487 -1.768 -4.066 4.596 -4.024 -2.829 4.596
3 16 -1.768 -4.066 4.596 -.957 -2.2 6.005 -2.942 -1.53 6.005
3 16 -.957 -2.2 6.005 0 0 6.5 -1.666 0 6.5
3 16 -2.5 -5.75 0 -5 -4 0 -4.746 -3.695 2.487
3 16 -2.31 -5.312 2.487 -4.746 -3.695 2.487 -4.024 -2.829 4.596
3 16 -1.768 -4.066 4.596 -4.024 -2.829 4.596 -2.942 -1.53 6.005
3 16 -.957 -2.2 6.005 -2.942 -1.53 6.005 -1.666 0 6.5
0 latitude 1
0 2 0 -5 -4 0 -4.746 -3.695 -2.487
0 2 0 -4.746 -3.695 -2.487 -4.024 -2.829 -4.596
0 2 0 -4.024 -2.829 -4.596 -2.942 -1.530 -6.005
0 2 0 -2.942 -1.530 -6.005 -1.666 0 -6.5
5 24 -5 -4 0 -4.746 -3.695 2.487 -6.666 0 0 -2.5 -5.75 0
5 24 -4.746 -3.695 2.487 -4.024 -2.829 4.596 -2.31 -5.312 2.487 -6.285 0 2.487
5 24 -4.024 -2.829 4.596 -2.942 -1.53 6.005 -1.768 -4.066 4.596 -5.202 0 4.596
5 24 -2.942 -1.53 6.005 -1.666 0 6.5 -.957 -2.2 6.005 -3.579 0 6.005
0 stripe 1
4 16 -5 -4 0 -4.746 -3.695 2.487 -6.286 0 2.488 -6.666 0 0
4 16 -4.746 -3.695 2.487 -4.024 -2.829 4.596 -5.202 0 4.596 -6.286 0 2.488
4 16 -4.024 -2.829 4.596 -2.942 -1.53 6.005 -3.58 0 6.005 -5.202 0 4.596
3 16 -2.942 -1.53 6.005 -1.666 0 6.5 -3.58 0 6.005
0 (latitude 0)
0 2 12 -6.666 0 0 -6.286 0 -2.488
0 2 12 -6.286 0 -2.488 -5.202 0 -4.596
0 2 12 -5.202 0 -4.596 -3.580 0 -6.005
0 2 12 -3.580 0 -6.005 -1.666 0 -6.5
0 end reflect on z

0 1 4 -5 8 0 0 0 -5 0 1 0 -6.5 0 0 2-4edge.dat
0 1 4 -1.666 0 0  0 0 -5 0 1 0 -6.5 0 0 2-4edge.dat
1 16 -1.666 0 0  0 -3.333 -5  0 8 0 -6.5  0 0 2-4cyli.dat

0 upper arm
0 2 4 -1.666 0 -6.5 -5   8 -6.5
0 2 4 -3.580 0 -6.005 -6.913 8 -6.005
0 2 4 -5.202 0 -4.596 -8.535 8 -4.596
0 2 4 -6.286 0 -2.488 -9.619 8 -2.488
0 2 4 -6.666 0 0 -10 8
0 lower arm
0 2 2 -5 15.364 -13.436 -5  9.364 -7.436
0 2 2 -6.914 15.633 -13.167 -6.914 9.633 -7.167
0 2 2 -8.536 16.400 -12.400 -8.536 10.400 -6.400
0 2 2 -9.620 17.547 -11.253 -9.620 11.547 -5.253
0 2 2 -10 18.9 -9.9 -10 12.9 -3.9
0 2 2 -9.620 20.253 -8.547 -9.620 14.253 -2.547
0 2 2 -8.536 21.400 -7.400 -8.536 15.400 -1.400
0 2 2 -6.914 22.167 -6.633 -6.914 16.167 -.633
0 2 2 -5 22.436 -6.364 -5 16.436 -.364

0 upper arm extension (to elbow) (2s -> 5s)
0 2 1 -5 8 -6.5 -5 8.428 -6.5
0 2 1 -6.913 8 -6.005 -6.914 8.471 -6.005
0 2 1 -8.535 8 -4.596 -8.536 8.596 -4.596
0 2 1 -9.619 8 -2.488 -9.620 8.782 -2.488
0 2 1 -10 8 0 -10 9 0
0 2 1 -9.619 8 2.488 -9.620 9.218 2.488
0 2 1 -8.535 8 4.596 -8.536 9.404 4.596
0 2 1 -6.913 8 6.005 -6.914 9.529 6.005
0 2 1 -5 8 6.5 -5 9.572 6.5
4 16 -5 8 -6.5 -5 8.428 -6.5 -6.914 8.471 -6.005 -6.913 8 -6.005
4 16 -6.913 8 -6.005 -6.914 8.471 -6.005 -8.536 8.596 -4.596 -8.535 8 -4.596
4 16 -8.535 8 -4.596 -8.536 8.596 -4.596 -9.620 8.782 -2.488 -9.619 8 -2.488
4 16 -9.619 8 -2.488 -9.620 8.782 -2.488 -10 9 0 -10 8 0
4 16 -10 8 0 -10 9 0 -9.620 9.218 2.488 -9.619 8 2.488
4 16 -9.619 8 2.488 -9.620 9.218 2.488 -8.536 9.404 4.596 -8.535 8 4.596
4 16 -8.535 8 4.596 -8.536 9.404 4.596 -6.914 9.529 6.005 -6.913 8 6.005
4 16 -6.913 8 6.005 -6.914 9.529 6.005 -5 9.572 6.5 -5 8 6.5

0 lower arm extension (to elbow) (2s -> 5s)
0 2 0 -5 9.364 -7.436 -5 8.428 -6.5
0 2 0 -6.914 9.633 -7.167 -6.914 8.471 -6.005
0 2 0 -8.536 10.400 -6.400 -8.536 8.596 -4.596
0 2 0 -9.620 11.547 -5.253 -9.620 8.782 -2.488
0 2 0 -10 12.9 -3.9 -10 9 0
0 2 0 -9.620 14.253 -2.547 -9.620 9.218 2.488
0 2 0 -8.536 15.400 -1.400 -8.536 9.404 4.596
0 2 0 -6.914 16.167 -.633 -6.914 9.529 6.005
0 2 0 -5 16.436 -.364 -5 9.572 6.5
4 16 -5 9.364 -7.436 -5 8.428 -6.5 -6.914 8.471 -6.005 -6.914 9.633 -7.167
4 16 -6.914 9.633 -7.167 -6.914 8.471 -6.005 -8.536 8.596 -4.596 -8.536 10.400 -6.400
4 16 -8.536 10.400 -6.400 -8.536 8.596 -4.596 -9.620 8.782 -2.488 -9.620 11.547 -5.253
4 16 -9.620 11.547 -5.253 -9.620 8.782 -2.488 -10 9 0 -10 12.9 -3.9
4 16 -10 12.9 -3.9 -10 9 0 -9.620 9.218 2.488 -9.620 14.253 -2.547
4 16 -9.620 14.253 -2.547 -9.620 9.218 2.488 -8.536 9.404 4.596 -8.536 15.400 -1.400
4 16 -8.536 15.400 -1.400 -8.536 9.404 4.596 -6.914 9.529 6.005 -6.914 16.167 -.633
4 16 -6.914 16.167 -.633 -6.914 9.529 6.005 -5 9.572 6.5 -5 16.436 -.364

0 elbow join (-> type 5 ?)
0 2 2 -5 8.428 -6.5 -6.914 8.471 -6.005
0 2 2 -6.914 8.471 -6.005 -8.536 8.596 -4.596
0 2 2 -8.536 8.596 -4.596 -9.620 8.782 -2.488
0 2 2 -9.620 8.782 -2.488 -10 9 0
0 2 2 -10 9 0 -9.620 9.218 2.488
0 2 2 -9.620 9.218 2.488 -8.536 9.404 4.596
0 2 2 -8.536 9.404 4.596 -6.914 9.529 6.005
0 2 2 -6.914 9.529 6.005 -5 9.572 6.5

0 rear upper arm
4 16 0 0 6.5 -1.666 0 6.5 -5 8 6.5 0 8 6.5
3 16 0 8 6.5 -5 8 6.5 -5 9.572 6.5

0 1 16 20 -9 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 973.dat

0 24 -5 17.9 -9.9  -5 21.436 -6.364

0 2  4 0 8 6.5 0 17.9 -3.4


Message has 5 Replies:
  Re: Work-in-progress improved minifig arm
Congratulations Chris, This is a tremendous improvement. I wonder whether interior is really necessary. Personally I would be satisfied with a better-than-current exterior. May be the cost in display time is negligeable compared to a whole minifig. (...) (23 years ago, 28-Apr-02, to
  Re: Work-in-progress improved minifig arm
(...) This looks very promising! :) Any chance you're going to recurve the inner surface around the shoulder? It would really help avoid that "CGI intersecting solids" look that we've had going. :) Also, can I reserve judgement as to whether we (...) (23 years ago, 29-Apr-02, to
  Re: Work-in-progress improved minifig arm
Wow- that's beautiful! I'm very glad to see this- I didn't really *want* to do the part myself, but it seemed to need doing. I'll try fiddling with it in various positions. It's great to have a center of rotation that actually works. Are you (...) (23 years ago, 29-Apr-02, to
  Re: Work-in-progress improved minifig arm
Just a brief note to say that development has not stopped on this, but that regular work has gotten in the way !! Chris (23 years ago, 13-May-02, to
  Re: Work-in-progress improved minifig arm  [DAT]
(...) More progress, at last. I think this now just needs a little work on type 5 lines at the elbow bend. I believe I have done as much as I can to use the cyli, cyls and cyls2 primitives, which should improve the appearance by renderers which do (...) (23 years ago, 23-May-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Work-in-progress improved minifig arm  [DAT]
(...) concerns. (...) Here is my work so far on improving the minifig arm. It is provided as an MPD file of a torso and arms at two different angles; right - upper arm vertical; left - forearm horizontal. There is still much to do on the inner arm (...) (23 years ago, 28-Apr-02, to

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