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Re: Heightfields in LDraw
Sat, 17 Sep 2011 23:22:20 GMT
24120 times
Here are more detailed instructions:


* For the heioghtfield, I've found that a scale of 1 pixel = 1 baseplate works
OK. In the "Surface > Size..." dialog specify the dimensions in pixels you want
the heightfield to be. E.g. 100x100 pixels or 100x100 baseplates.
* Since a baseplate is 640 LDUs large, the total size of the terrain in LDUs
should be 640 multiplied by the dimensions in pixels. Enter this information
into the "Surface > Map Info..." dialog, except center things properly in such a
way that it extends by half the amount in the positive direction and half in the
negative direction. E.g. -32000, +32000.
* To generate a very basic random texture, select "Filter > Calculate Height
Field...". A pop-up menu will appear. Make sure to un-check the box labeled
"Spherical Evaluation". Refer to the official Wilbur tutorials for additional
tips on generating a nice heightfield.
* Select "Filter > Mathematical > Span..." and enter the height (or range of
heights) in LDU you want the heightfield to be. Otherwise the heightfield will
be way too tall.
* Save as "3D DXF Quads (*.dxf)". The file save dialog is wonky in that it
appends the wrong extension to the file you are saving. Make sure you
explicitely type the file name and extension you want.
* A pop-up menu will appear when trying to save the file. Press the "Set to Map"
button in the "Output Bounds" section.


* 3DWin is more straightforward. Simply import the DXF file and export as LDR.
One thing you should note is that there's no way to manually specify the output
file name, and the program will not prompt you when overwriting the destination
file. So back up any previous work each time you run the converter!
* Also, additional time is consumed at the end in order to write the output
file, despite the program's progress meter indicating that the conversion is
done. If your heightfield is very large you may wonder what is going on.

Message is in Reply To:
  Heightfields in LDraw
I've been experimenting with importing terrain heightfields into LDraw. Here are the results: (URL) (One pair of triangles in the terrain mesh is equal to a normal LDraw baseplate in dimensions.) The steps I took: created the heightfield in Wilbur (...) (14 years ago, 28-Mar-11, to lugnet.cad, FTX)

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