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Re: LPub Bad results with LDView
Sat, 13 Jun 2009 18:01:44 GMT
10521 times
In lugnet.cad, Jaco van der Molen wrote:
In lugnet.cad, Kevin L. Clague wrote:
Well I guess people should understand that LPub is a moving target.  It
is not meant for general consumption, but people can take a peek at:

Thanks for sharing this anyway :-)
I like the new features you added (add pages, cover, images).
Do you have a list of new features or changes?

FYI: I've noticed there are some differences in rendering.


One of the new features is affecting your swan.

When you place callouts, PLIs, etc, relative to the CSI, LPub figures out the
bounding box of the collection, and then automatically centers the bounding box
on the page.  You did this manually, and the two effects combined to offset your
callouts off the page.  Remove your offset and it should automatically do what
you want.

I was going to wait until Brickworld to publish this list.

Here are some of the other new features:

1.  Classic case of buffer exchange for exploded view assembly, LPub
automatically ignores parts added the second time. No more PLI BEGIN IGN/PLI END

2.  PLI's in callouts and step groups are automatically set to the width of the
CSI (if on top or bottom), or height (if on the side) for best packing.

3.  Bill of Materials support is back

4.  Resize/shape of PLI and BOM using click and drag with the mouse

5.  When converting submodel to callout, LPub automatically adds arrows from the
callout, and automatically places the tip(s) in the center of where the called
out submodels are added to the step.

6.  Added support for front and back cover pages

7.  Added support for numbered pages

8.  Add of arbitrary images to any page type

9.  I think I got centimeters working

10. Export pages to a sequence of PNG/JPG or BMP images

11. Fixed issues in print to PDF
  - the full page was not filled with background
  - the page number was sometimes off page
  - problems with centimeters

12. Modified how margins are applied to PLIs/BOMs
  - Only instance margin used to separate image from instance text
  - Only annotation margin used to separate image from annotation text
  - Only part margin used to separate image/text from the next image/text

13. Added beam length annotation (like axles)


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: LPub Bad results with LDView
(...) Oh, LPub also figures out the bounding box for things placed relative to step-groups and centers them. I also fixed problems with PLIs for step groups that do not have PLI per step. Kevin (16 years ago, 13-Jun-09, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: LPub Bad results with LDView
(...) <snip> (...) 14. In classic buffer exchange store, add parts, step, buffer exchange load, you no longer need to GHOST the parts added between the store and step. LPub applies buffer exchanges to the LDraw files before being handed to the (...) (16 years ago, 13-Jun-09, to lugnet.cad)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LPub Bad results with LDView
(...) Kevin, Thanks for sharing this anyway :-) I like the new features you added (add pages, cover, images). Do you have a list of new features or changes? FYI: I've noticed there are some differences in rendering. See: (2 URLs) (16 years ago, 12-Jun-09, to lugnet.cad)

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