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Re: LPub Bad results with LDView
Thu, 11 Jun 2009 21:58:31 GMT
11304 times
In lugnet.cad, Don Heyse wrote:
In lugnet.cad, Don Heyse wrote:
That looks like it might be an opengl driver problem.  I believe LDView
uses the opengl hardware on the video card to do the offscreen rendering.
Maybe the card is running out of memory at the higher dpi?  What does
LDView report about your opengl driver?  Maybe that'll provide a clue.

Heh, I just realized I've been using the latest LDView myself to auto-
magically fetch unofficial parts for my lsynth testing.  So, I took
a quick peek at the help file and according to it you may want to
try the IgnorePBuffer command line option, which is "Equivalent to the
Don't use Pixel Buffer check box in the Save Snapshot dialog box".
The documentation for that says,

"Don't use Pixel Buffer (Default: Off):
Enabling this option disables the use of a pixel buffer for snapshot
rendering. Use of a pixel buffer can result in a corrupt image on certain
video cards with certain video drivers. If your snapshots are corrupted,
enable this. Otherwise, leave it disabled."

Good luck,


That did the trick! And with version


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LPub Bad results with LDView
(...) Heh, I just realized I've been using the latest LDView myself to auto- magically fetch unofficial parts for my lsynth testing. So, I took a quick peek at the help file and according to it you may want to try the IgnorePBuffer command line (...) (16 years ago, 11-Jun-09, to lugnet.cad)

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