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 CAD / 13750
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Re: Call for GUI part editor
Wed, 26 Apr 2006 14:30:00 GMT
4876 times
In lugnet.cad, Niels Karsdorp wrote:
I did a quick test with MLCAD 3.11 and noticed the following:
(Opened a partfile in MLCAD and save it under a different filename
and then compared the two files)

Thanks for doing this, Niels.

No harmfull things are:
MLCad removes unnesseccary spaces and empty lines

When creating part files, I frequently add 'unnecessary' spaces and empty lines
to improve (IMO) readability.

MLCad replaces numbers as 3.10 with 3.1
MLCad replaces numbers as .123 with 0.123

Change-tracking is much simpler if lines of code aren't changed unless they
actual need to be changed.  For people making new parts, MLCad's forced-format
isn't a big deal.  When people update/correct official files, I consider MLCad's
forced-format changes to be hostile to the update process.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Call for GUI part editor
(...) I did a quick test with MLCAD 3.11 and noticed the following: (Opened a partfile in MLCAD and save it under a different filename and then compared the two files) MLCad adds two rotation commands to the header 0 ROTATION CENTER 0 0 0 1 "Custom" (...) (19 years ago, 21-Apr-06, to lugnet.cad)

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