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 CAD / 13713
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Re: Call for GUI part editor
Sun, 16 Apr 2006 09:10:18 GMT
4387 times
Hi Kevin,

  I don't have the time, *but* if a 3D GUI editor (e.g. LeoCAD or MLCad) were to
provide the concept of identified (maybe named) verticies, intersections of
planes with planes, cylinders with circles, etc.... I think it would be much
easier to create and edit parts.

You are completely right. Such a GUI editor is a program I was always looking
for (and - unfortunately- I still am). But for two years I have been programming
on a little editor to do things like that.
My programming skills are not that high (I only learned it one year at school,
that's all), but still I was able to implement some IMHO useful functions.
I will never be able to finish it, mainly because I cannot create working
executables out of the source code.

A sample screnshot can be found here:

The program uses LDView or L3Lab as a viewer. You can select the points of the
part in a list and use them to create lines, triangles, quads and so on, like in
MLCAD. But you can also modify them (that means you change the values of one
point and all objects containig this point will be modified). You can fill a
polygon with triangles (this feature sometimes does not work properly, don't ask
me why.)
The main advantage is that you don't have to remember all points, because you
can use the vertices of one object directly to create another (e.g. for adjacent
I was planning many features more, but I did not have the time to finish them.

I could publish the source code so that someone could test / modify / improve /
have a look at it. It is written in Visual Basic.

Is anyone interested?

Leg Godt-

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Call for GUI part editor
(...) Where do the primitives enter in this picture? It looks like both Kevin's ideas and your program are ignoring the primitives, working down on the bare polygons. Primitives are an essential part of part creation, aren't they? (Correct me if I'm (...) (19 years ago, 16-Apr-06, to lugnet.cad)

Message is in Reply To:
  Call for GUI part editor
Hi all, I've been up to my ears in NXT land, in case anyone noticed or wondered about my absence. Needless to say there are "unoffical" Ldraw parts being developed. I've increased my skill set as a part author (previously I've only modified parts (...) (19 years ago, 12-Apr-06, to lugnet.cad)

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