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 CAD / 13749
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Re: Call for GUI part editor
Wed, 26 Apr 2006 09:57:38 GMT
4901 times
On Sun, 16 Apr 2006 17:31:28 GMT
"Sven Moritz Hein" <> wrote:

Yes, primitives are important. In my program, you can add them just
like any other part. I already implemented moving and I wanted to add
scaling and rotating, but I did not understand the rotation matrix
command. Could anyone explain that to me? Then I could also add the
points from the primitives to the point list and everything would be

Of course a good 3D modeller and a converter would be fine, but are
there any good and free 3D modellers? It's already possible to
convert files from SolidDesigner to LDRAW, isn't it?

My ldraw import/export scripts for Blender can be used for part
editing, to a slight degree. It's lacking in edge functionality and
doesn't properly preserve comments currently. Since it was written
before Blender had the proper edge structures, perhaps that could be
improved, and comments could be tracked in a text. I used the script to
edit a couple of pieces before the bowtie winding fix was integrated.

The way it basically works now is that if you use it to import a piece,
it will load but not "flatten" that piece, so referring lines (such as
primitives or subparts) will be intact. Edges are nearly destroyed;
conditional lines will turn into "autosmooth" faces, and lines are
regenerated on export using only the active contrast colour.. I'm not
actually sure how that looks.

PGP fingerprint = 9242 DC15 2502 FEAB E15F  84C6 D538 EC09 5380 5746

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Call for GUI part editor
(...) Yes, primitives are important. In my program, you can add them just like any other part. I already implemented moving and I wanted to add scaling and rotating, but I did not understand the rotation matrix command. Could anyone explain that to (...) (19 years ago, 16-Apr-06, to lugnet.cad)

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