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Re: OK here's the real problem! (Was: Re: Finding a rotation matrix for a triangle)
Tue, 6 Dec 2005 18:28:24 GMT
2342 times
In lugnet.cad, Niels Bugge wrote:
   I have this stud3 that passes through the wonky quad (line 1 and 2). I need an edge between the two of them, and want to use the 1-4edge for that (line4).

Note that I’ve already scaled and turned the edge 22.5 degrees around the y axis.

What I need now, is to turn the edge down at the same angle as the surface of the quad, and since I don’t want to loose the previous two steps (scaling and first angling), I have to do it via the rotation vector command in MLCAD “on top” of them.

Actually, what you need to do is *skew* the 1-4edge. Literally deform it, so it stretches along the edge of the stud3 cylinder. If you turn it, it will no longer intersect the surface of the cylinder -- the edge will disappear inside the cylinder.

Well, ok, you don’t *have* to skew it -- you could figure out how much the circle needs to be deformed to make the right shape of ellipse. Then rotate the ellipse by the angle of the quad.

Basically, no matter what approach you take, you need to find the height of the angled/skewed 1-4edge. Once you’ve got that, the rest is easy.


Message is in Reply To:
  OK here's the real problem! (Was: Re: Finding a rotation matrix for a triangle)
Well, I think I've tried to explain what I need to do 3-4 times already, which is where I think the language barriers have played a pretty big role... The reason I tried to cook the problem down, is to reduce confusion, but I guess that was a bad (...) (19 years ago, 6-Dec-05, to lugnet.cad, FTX)

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