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Re: OK here's the real problem! (Was: Re: Finding a rotation matrix for a triangle)
Tue, 6 Dec 2005 17:03:06 GMT
2008 times
In lugnet.cad, Niels Bugge wrote:
   What I need now, is to turn the edge down at the same angle as the surface of the quad, and since I don’t want to loose the previous two steps (scaling and first angling), I have to do it via the rotation vector command in MLCAD “on top” of them.

As far as I can see, what you’re suggesting is simply to enter a new rotation matrix via notepad, but that will of course delete the two other nessecary steps, unless you use a much more complex formula that includes the effect of all three steps.

Take the edge line:

1 2 -30 4 10 -3.69552 0 -1.53073 0 1 0 1.53073 0 -3.69552 1-4edge.dat

Put it in a separate subfile. Include that subfile with no rotation matrix. Now apply a new MLCad rotation to the subfile. Finally inline the subfile to concatenate the matrices.

Message is in Reply To:
  OK here's the real problem! (Was: Re: Finding a rotation matrix for a triangle)
Well, I think I've tried to explain what I need to do 3-4 times already, which is where I think the language barriers have played a pretty big role... The reason I tried to cook the problem down, is to reduce confusion, but I guess that was a bad (...) (19 years ago, 6-Dec-05, to lugnet.cad, FTX)

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