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Jake did good Thanks!!
lugnet.announce, lugnet.general
Wed, 5 May 2004 20:47:41 GMT
!! (details)
5877 times
It’s past time to get beyond debating the “why” of the color change (and especially haranguing Jake about it). I don’t see any reason not to take Jake and the TLC at their word that the new colors work better with the core market at point of sale: at the toy store.

We have to accept that for every 10,000 bricks one of us LUGNET types buy (and to tell you the truth, I don’t think there are anywhere near 1000 of us who buy 10,000s of bricks each year), that TLC sells 10,000,000 to kids who don’t know a stud from a tube. That’s just the way it is. The core LEGO market is/was/always-will-be kids. We don’t buy as much LEGO per year as parents of kids who buy the one-set-of-a-lifetime-that-lives-in-the-closet-until-the-kid-leaves-home.

What I think TLC did wrong was to retire parts of a 30 year old system. That’s the bad idea. Jake’s announcement of a limited rebirth really mitigates that. How much depends on how accessible the new parts are.

Everyone mentions New Coke. Nobody mentions that when after 6 months the Coca Cola company relented and announced they were bringing back Classic Coke that they kept New Coke. Within 12 months, you couldn’t find a New Coke to save your life.

I’d like to think that we too could vote with our purchases here, but the problem is that there will be a ton of new product and a limited supply of old and that as a group we have about zip purchasing power. A whole lot of LEGO is sold to people who don’t have any to match or who don’t know enough to care or who, knowing, simply don’t care. Indeed, there are members in my LTC who don’t see what the fuss is about (an LTC with $10,000 worth of old dark gray track).

But I say thanks, Jake, you did good!

-Ted Michon



Message has 11 Replies:
  Re: Jake did good Thanks!!
"Ted Michon" <> wrote in message (...) Jake (...) market (...) (and (...) who buy (...) know a (...) of (...) That's (...) that. (...) Coca (...) that (...) your (...) old (...) LEGO is (...) care or (...) (...) (21 years ago, 5-May-04, to lugnet.general)
  Re: Jake did well. Thanks!!
Jake did well, not good. :) "Ted Michon" <> wrote in message (...) Jake (...) market (...) (and (...) who buy (...) know a (...) of (...) That's (...) that. (...) Coca (...) that (...) your (...) old (...) (...) (21 years ago, 6-May-04, to lugnet.general)
  Re: Jake did good Thanks!!
(...) There's an excellent reason - (URL) this statement> by Jake himself: Keep in mind that the non-AFOL consumer (especially the kids on the boards) probably hasn't realized there IS a color change. Many of this year's products aren't out yet (...) (21 years ago, 6-May-04, to lugnet.general, FTX)  
  Re: Jake did good Thanks!!
(...) I agree whole-heartedly. I have my issues with the company's direction and some of the decisions they make. But the fact is, I'm not sitting in their meetings and I don't have the information they have. We can all keep ranting about how we (...) (21 years ago, 6-May-04, to lugnet.general, FTX)
  Re: Jake did good Thanks!!
(...) As much as I'd like to agree, I guess that if Jake likes the new color and the new Minifig flesh heads, then he should have asked for someone else to do the job, since he can't defend an opinion he doesn't share as well as his own position. (...) (21 years ago, 9-May-04, to lugnet.color, FTX)
  Re: Jake did good?
Hi Tim, (...) Ben did not necessarily express an opinion focused towards the colour issue. So I think posting this in .general is also appropriate. Bye Jojo (21 years ago, 9-May-04, to lugnet.color)  
  Re: Jake did good?
(...) -snip- (...) Well played, Jake. Well played. Let me say that I trust you completely to present AFOL interests to the company. -Lenny (21 years ago, 10-May-04, to lugnet.color)
  Re: Jake did good?
(...) [snip] (...) Well said, Jake. Thanks for your continued commitment to the community, despite the fact that it is sometimes a thankless job. I'm behind you. -Tim (21 years ago, 10-May-04, to lugnet.color)
  Re: Jake did good?
Hi Jake, I believe that you have kept your own personal opinions separate from working with the afol community. One of your strengths is the ability to do this. I guess some fans that have talked to you know your personal opinions on colors, certain (...) (21 years ago, 10-May-04, to lugnet.color)
  Re: Jake did good?
Jake, we are 100% behind you. We can't begin to thank you enough for the things you are trying to do for us and we understand that it's not that easy. We know it can be diffcult to be the middleman who get shouts from allover, frankly we couldn't (...) (21 years ago, 10-May-04, to lugnet.color)
  Re: Jake did good?
(...) Hello Jake, some of my recent messages have been written under - let me call it - emotional stress. I knew, part of it could be understood as hurting personally, on the other hand the colour change is a topic that hurts me daily more. I kept (...) (21 years ago, 11-May-04, to lugnet.color) ! 

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